Just like in the last post with the 18 year-old lesbian, we have another tragic case of a young girl that has recently become an adult on paper – but without having developed the body of an adult.
She simply hasn’t grown any tits.
The only good thing that can be said about her is that – other than some other flatties on here – she doesn’t seem to be in denial about her inadequacy.
But first, let’s find out a bit more about her humiliating and embarrassing experiences.
“My uncle commented on my figure that it is like a 12 year-old’s”

How old are you and what is your bra size?
“I’m 18 years old and I wear a cup bras.”
When did you first realize that your “tits” are smaller than they should be?
“I realized that my tits are too small when my uncle commented on my figure and said it is like a 12 year-old’s.
What was your most humiliating experience related to your small tits?
“The most humiliating experience with my tits is when a guy in my college spat on my chest and his friend asked him not to spit on walls. I felt really ashamed that day. It was sports day at college and I was in my sportswear. They were referring to my flat chest which is as flat as a wall.”
Her flat chest is such a turn-off that she has only been fucked in the ass

When even your own family makes fun of your flat chest, you know that everything is lost. But it gets worse. When even young, horny teenagers only want to fuck you in the ass because they consider your pussy unworthy, you know that the time has come for you to hide in a corner and cry.
I’ve been fucked once – only in the ass as he told me that I do not deserve to get fucked from the front.
– Flatty 71
What do you think about this flatty’s humiliating experiences?
Do you also consider this flatty to still be a virgin because she has only been fucked in the ass? As always, share your thoughts and insults in the comments. And come back soon to see what her non-existent chest looks like naked.