What is your bra size?
“I am a 44B (Which sucks cause usually when you get fatter, the boobs grow too)“.
When was the first time you realized that your tits are smaller than they should be?
“Big tits runs in my family so it was expected when puberty hit I would develop at least D tits….I grew but my chest never did.”
What is the most embarrassing/humiliating experience you ever had with your tiny “tits”?
“I was cleaning the house and found a bra and asked everyone if it was mine, and my roommate (42F) burst out laughing. She held up the bra to my chest and asked “oh honey, really? You think it’s yours?” I was so humiliated and felt so dumb.”
This poor flatty is so flat that her “tits” don’t even grow when she gains weight. Which is quite a shame because even for an anorexic woman, her “tits” would be terribly small.
Not only that, but the right tit on the picture looks almost twice as big as her left one. Her areola are gigantic, and she seems to be completely without any nipples.
Where real women have two large, firm, symmetric tits, she has two saggy, almost empty balloons with different amounts of air in them. It’s a really ugly and disgusting sight.
She should be grateful that her roommate only made fun about their different bra sizes. Most likely she has never seen her ugly “tits”: otherwise, she would have completely bullied and humiliated her and turned her into a worthless household slave. Which would have been exactly what she deserves.
Help me destroy this ugly pig’s self-confidence and share your insults and assessment of her ugliness in the comments. Also let me know if you find any mistakes in her writing assignment.
If you are also flat and want your self-confidence ruined, take part in the self-confidence-destruction challenge.
What is hilarious is picturing this woman trying to find a dress that fits her large torso as well as her weird, misshapen boobs. That’s gotta be an awful experience for her.
fat and flat what a combination
It’s a curse. I also have the cow build.
Her housemate should’ve made her try it on to see if it really was her bra. In fact, she should be made to get a bra of similar size & take pictures of herself in it to upload here so we can all see how pathetically she measures up to a real woman
That sounds like a good idea
I can’t imagine any guy not losing his erection while fucking her and seeing those horrible ugly bags of crap. ugly awful pitiful tits that ought to be punished and she should be embarrassed every time she goes out unless she’s got some kind of special bra that covers up her horrible udders
A fitting description of her ugly udders, thank you
I wonder what cow weighs more, myself or this one.
I’m almost 300lbs, this cow has to be at least my weight.
But, her udders are bigger than mine.
57, you should beg men to fuck you. Maybe someone will have pity for you. But I hope you don’t think he will use your pussy. No man can take the risk of having a child with such a pityfull object.
These are three ugliest most pathetic tits ever. I want to see you take pics with your roommate with your bras swapped