57 – “I’m fat with no tits”

A flat chested woman exposes her tiny tits with ruined nipples and cheap, ugly tattoos
Saggy tits with tortured nipples – a pathetic sight

Two things are really bad for a woman’s looks: if she has no tits, or if she’s fat. Luckily, both characteristics are to some extent mutually exclusive. Being fat usually means having large tits, so at least there is some kind of compensation.

Yet, these characteristics aren’t completely mutually exclusive. Some unfortunate women get fat without growing boobs. Flatty 57 is a typical example of these titless, disgusting cows.

At least she knows how ugly she is

This 35 year old f(l)atty has disgusting, saggy tits, with nipples that are completely ruined from her self-torture. Not even her ugly tattoos help draw any attention to her cheap looking body.

Yet even more ugly than her naked tits is her disgusting, fat belly. I asked her to send me a picture in underwear. This vomit-inducing piece of “art” is what I received. Even her naked, ugly breasts (which are already a disgrace) are more attractive than this stomach that looks just like a punching bag.

In addition to that, she is not only flat and fat (which inspired me to create a new post category on here, named precisely this), but also too stupid to spell small tits humiliation correctly.

I’m fat with no tits

– F(l)atty 57

The only good thing that can be said about her that she has realized how ugly she is, and that she deserves to be laughed at and publicly exposed.

As always, share your thoughts and insults in the comments. If you are fat and flat yourself, get in touch to get exposed as well.

48 thoughts on “57 – “I’m fat with no tits”

  1. Missy

    This thing isn’t human. Imagine how much better it would look if it was able to take all of the flab and put it in its chest. I get that it can’t do anything about it’s tits but, it should do some exercises.

    I’m so glad I have a womanly body and not some cow one.

  2. Masterj

    You need to be laughed at yes, but listening and doing things toilet water missy says when she can’t even do what she is told isn’t acceptable. Yes you are disgusting and your lack of tits is for sure a downfall but good no tit whores follow real peoples lead to get them to the humiliation promise land. So tell us how you have been humiliated by guys you dated or girlfriends of yours.

    1. Michelle Nain

      I’ve had butt plugs in with a tail, while wearing a skirt. The tail was seen.
      I’ve had make up applied in store bathrooms, and it was messy.
      I’ve had a strap on on under leggings, so it’s visible. It was obvious that I had a dick. I had to ask people for directions to places, while my dick was obvious.
      I’ve had to wear diapers and mess in them, while out in public.

    2. Trololo

      At first, when I saw your tits I thought “nah they aren’t that bad” (even though there are fat women who have their tits as big as their heads and sometimes even bigger) but when I saw your belly I said WTF? How can you look that bad? I haven’t seen any fat woman who is as disgusting as you, you’re not even sexy or cute, you literally look like a fat man!. I was jerking off before entering this site and as soon as I saw your pics I lost my erection, are you happy with that, prick?

  3. Missy

    How much fatter can the flat cow get before it gets udders to match it’s size?

    All of them on this site are pathetic, but it’s a toss up between this one and the toliet water drinking virgin.

  4. Trololo

    At first, when I saw your tits I thought “nah they aren’t that bad” (even though there are fat women who have their tits as big as their heads and sometimes even bigger) but when I saw your belly I said WTF? How can you look that bad? I haven’t seen any fat woman who is as disgusting as you, you’re not even sexy or cute, you literally look like a fat man!. I was jerking off before entering this site and as soon as I saw your pics I lost my erection, are you happy with that, prick?

      1. Trololo

        Hahaha, Belly fucking sounds fun, but I doubt it’s possible to do it with you because your belly looks “hard” I don’t know how to describe it right

  5. Masterj

    55 what you showed us aren’t tits, your dom should spank that ass good to remind you of that. Myself being a dom wouldn’t take on a flat chested thing like yourself unless you were really doing the nasty things it takes to be titt less. Reach out and refer to yourself as 55 so you can tell me what a nasty bitch you are. [email protected]

  6. 55

    I was taken to a breast measuring appointment. My mistress must have told the lady who was supposed to measure my tits to do something else. She ended up telling me that she wasn’t going to measure my tits and that she’d measure my gut and butt instead, as she laughed saying “Oh that rhymes; gut and butt”. I’m now known as “gut and butt”, at the store. I overheard the lady telling another associate what my measurements of my “gut and butt” were. My tummy is 76 inches round and my butt is over 120 inches round. They didn’t have any panties in my size, so the lady who measured suggested I be taken to a men’s clothing store. I’m mortified…

  7. 57

    As a task, I had to print pictures of women, with breasts and a nice stomach, then tape them to a mirror in my bedroom and my bathroom, so I can see what a woman is supposed to look like. I’ve accepted the fact that I’m a flatso, a flat tittied fatso

  8. Pingback: 57 – You know you’re ugly when your stomach is bigger than your tits (part 2) | Small Tits Humiliation

  9. Missy

    A task for you is to get a bra that’s very large, also some cantaloupe melons. Put the melons in the bra and go to places that you are recognized, like a store you shop at often, work, a walk in your area, the car wash, etc. Have the melons in for a day, while doing these things. Go out at night to a bar or restaurant and after getting your food, go to the bathroom and take the melons out, but leave the bra on. It can’t be stuffed with anything else. Leave the melons on the bathroom counter, then go eat your food that you ordered to much of. But, your oversized bra will be visible. If you can, watch the bathroom door and see if another woman goes to the restroom. Go back to the restroom, while she’s in there and put your melons back in.

    Everyone will be so confused about why you go from busty to flat, back to busty. You can’t go in a bathroom stall and take them out or replace them. They have to be removed and replaced by the sink area.

    1. 57

      I found a 42F bra today. My owners bought small watermelons. They’re currently in and secured so they won’t fall out, while I’m trying to sleep. Tomorrow, they’ll remain in all day, until my owners allow them to be removed. They like your idea.

      I have to go to work tomorrow for a few hours and they’ll be in. It’s obvious that they’re not real breasts though, so I’ll likely get some looks.

      The melons are extremely heavy, and there’s no getting used to them. The melons pull the bra down to my cow belly and my gut is still very obvious. It’s really not appealing, as it just makes me look like I’m desperate to have breasts. (I guess I am). They constantly get in the way. I can’t see over them, I’m having a hard time moving my arms around them even.

  10. 57

    My melons have remained in since they were put in by my owners. They want me to get used to them and have as many people to see as possible. The places that I’m a regular at have stared at me. None of my shirts fit properly because of how large the melons are. My owners got cow udders from a costume strapped around my gut and 2 of my teets stick out of the bottom of my shirt.

    I’ve been taken out to eat a couple times and I’m having a hard time reaching around my breasts and not spilling food down the front of myself. My mistress likes to put to go bags in my bra, just in case I get hungry, she says. So, she pulls bags out of my udders and puts food in them, then they go back in my bra, in full view of everyone. It’s humiliating

  11. 57

    This cows melons are still in and look ridiculous. I can’t reach around them. They hang down to my cow gut. I want them out but, I’m not allowed to touch them. It’s still hard sleeping with them as they flop to the side and are hard. I’m definitely starred at.

  12. 57

    I’ve been wearing large bra’s for my melons and when my owners tell me to stuff it, I have to. I’ve been asked about when I got breast implants and I have to tell anyone who has asked that I haven’t, I’m stuffing my bra with melons because otherwise, I’m flat and fat. I’m pathetic!

      1. 57

        I’m sorry for disappearing, Getting tipped is one way of putting it. I was bred, now am pregnant. There’s hope for my udders after all.

  13. 57

    I’m a human cow, with 2 owners, a Man, who is the Dom and his wife, who is sub to him. I’m a slave to both of them. I recently was bred, and am now 3.5 months in utero. I’ll be bred each year until I can’t be anymore. I’m a surrogate for people and help complete families.

  14. Madam Missy

    Hahahhahah… That’s hilarious!
    You’re going to have an even worse body. You need to be given a task, like licking the inside of a toliet bowl and give us pictures.

  15. 57

    My owners put me in an O ring gag. It has a small lock and they put the key in my mouth and told me to swallow. I did as they told me to do and now am having to dig through my shit to find the key. Since I’m fat, they said I eat anything,including a dull metal key. I’m drooling all over the place and am having a hard time answering the phone, as they require me too. I’m nothing more than a flat cow made for everyone’s amusement.

  16. Mia

    The more I see you exposed on here it’s making me laugh 🐷 you’re 35 years old? Lol I’m 19 and I can’t wait to give you tasks to complete for my enjoyment. I want you in slave positions and to take pictures of yourself like that. I want a whole personal album of you fat flattie!! You can finger your ass looking at my sexy pictures , wishing you had perky young big tits. I’ll ruin your mind and make you hate yourself more

    1. 57

      I’m now 37. But, I look forward to entertaining you. I thank you for the opportunity, as I’m nothing but a pig/cow, who will only be of use as amusement to the superior large breasted woman like yourself

  17. 55

    My owners have requested that I be given description words, like fatso, Slob, Gross, etc to me for them to write on me as reminders.

  18. 57

    My owners have decided to experiment with me. They want to see how fat I’ll be before growing tits. Currently, I’m 5’3 and over 200lbs.

  19. Madam Missy

    Hahahhahah…Mia’s idea is great. I also just saw this slob is the only cow. That has to be great for its esteem.
    This worthless Cow needs a new updated post. Does anyone have any ideas for it? When I refer to “it”, I’m referring to the cow.

    1. 57

      Thank you, Madam Missy,

      Yes, it’s embarrassing that I’m the only cow, but I’ve come to accept it. I suppose I can send in new pictures, but I’m not sure of what.

      1. Madam Missy

        You should be the first 1 to have its face shown, you were the first cow, and still the only. So, it’d be fitting that you’re the first face exposed. Pleasure us,Cow.

        1. 57

          I don’t prefer to have my face exposed currently because my owners have shaved my head. It’s humiliation enough to be a cow without tits, but also now without hair. I’m ashamed

          1. Madam Missy

            Roflmao….you’re a cow, without tits and have a bald head? Oh my gosh, PERFECT!!!! Get pictures and explain in detail how it feels being a bald cow. Explain how you felt when your owners shaved you. You’ll be the go to spot for humiliation on here. The flatties have an excuse,they’re skin and bones, but at least they can hang some clothes off of their bones, do their hair cute and attempt to be human, even if not a woman. You, you however aren’t even a human. You’re a pathetic cow. Such a loser!!

            P.S. When explaining your becoming bald, put in the occasional “MOO”,, every few sentences, to amuse us.

            I also hope you get your own hashtag again, Bald, fat cow, udders

  20. Slave Cow (57)

    Madam Missy,

    Thank you for taking the time to talk to me. Moooo.
    I don’t want to post my face on here, especially since I am bald. Mooo. But, if more people request it, I’ll have pictures sent in. Moooo. I’m only good for humiliation and I’ve come to accept that. I’m glad I can do something with my existence.

  21. Madam Missy

    At least you’re moo-ing. From now on, sign it as “Slave Cow”. You don’t have a name anymore. You should give me your email,so I can give you tasks and you’ll report back. If this site owner wants pictures or anything, he should get in on it too. We have the chance to humiliate a bald cow. It’s too funny how much you hate yourself, already.

  22. Slave Cow (57)

    This Cows owners put an empty water bottle in my diaper. I can’t walk quietly with it between my legs. Moo…It’s a crunching noise that makes everyone stare at me. I’m so embarrassed by it,because this cow can’t just remoooooove it, it’s not allowed. Slave cows owners love humiliation things. Mooooo…this cow is fat,bald and lazy. Moooo


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