Category Archives: bra

72 – What do you think is the biggest weakness of this 30 year old’s tits?

Even in supposedly sexy underwear, this flatty doesn’t manage to draw any attention to her “tits”

Another day, another insecure flatty that is jealous of real women with real tits is begging to get exposed.

Fortunately, other than many flatties that have been exposed in the past, 72 seems to be at least somewhat able to take pictures in an appropriate resolution.

But before exposing the complete inadequacy of flatty 72 and its chest to the world, let’s get to know her a bit better and hear what the world thinks her tits look like based on this ridiculous underwear picture.

“I was told I had shitty cleavage in front of everyone”

How old are you and what is your bra size?

“I’m 30 years old and a 32C on a good day, usually a 32B.” 

When did you first realize that your “tits” are smaller than they should be?

“The first time I realized my tits were smaller than they should be was when I was a freshman in college and was told I had shitty cleavage at a party in front of everyone.

Did you have a similar experience in which you realized that your tits are too small? Then it’s time to find out and get exposed and humiliated.

What is the most embarrassing/humiliating experience you ever had with your tiny “tits”?

“My most humiliating experience was having my boyfriend tell me bigger is better and that I need to get implants.”

Apart from their size – what do you think is the biggest turn-off about flatty 72’s chest?

Before flatty 72 is completely exposed, take a guess based on what you can see from her “tits” when she is wearing underwear made for real women.

Apart from their tiny size: What do you think is the biggest inadequacy of her tits?

If you need some inspiration, take a look at the official tit rating criteria.

Choose one option

Share your thoughts and insults in the comments

Besides taking part in the poll, feel free to share your thoughts and insults in the comments. Soon, more pictures will be revealed and you will be able to verify your intuition about flatty 72’s tiny “tits”.

68 – Can you guess which of these pictures shows this flatty in a padded bra? (part 2)

Option 1: Do you think this picture shows this flatty in a padded bra?

In the last post, we could already see how ridiculous flatty 68 looks like in a supposedly “sexy” outfit.

At least, the insulting post and comments have made her realize how unattractive she is.

I didn’t realize how flat I look from the front – I’m throwing out that dress.

– Flatty 68

Now, the time has come to continue her exposure. The next step: humiliating pictures of her in ridiculous underwear.

She is so flat that even a padded bra doesn’t make any difference at all

Option 2: Or does this picture include a padded bra?

For a woman with medium-sized tits, a padded bra – or even a push-up bra – can make the difference between looking okay-ish and looking reasonably hot.

Unfortunately, these bras have two disadvantages: obviously, the effect disappears once the woman gets naked. And, they only work if there are at least some tits to begin with.

Yet for a flatty with tiny mosquito bites as 68, the effect is essentially invisible. After seeing both pictures, I first thought that she had failed in her task and mistakenly sent two pictures without padded bras.

She looks “flat like a boy” no matter what she’s wearing

On both pictures, she looks like a boy. She doesn’t have any cleavage whatsoever.

But I’ll give you a hint.

Do you want to get exposed and humiliated as her? Then it’s time for you to gather your courage and face the truth.

If you look closely enough, you will be able to that her belly button is not the only place where she is pieced (as happens to be the case with many flatties, such as, for example, this one or this one).

If it weren’t for the fact that one of the “bras” is more see-through than the other, it would be completely impossible to distinguish them from each other.

Does seeing flatty 68 in underwear change your opinion of her?

As always, share your thoughts and insults in the comments. And check back soon to see her without the ridiculously looking bras.

67 – This “scared little girl” keeps deleting her account out of shame (part 1)

Unfortunately, her naked tits look as unappealing and boring as this picture might suggest

In the dictionary under “shame”, there is probably a picture of this flatty. She first reached out to be, begging to be exposed and humiliated.

She sent the mandatory picture with “” written on her flat chest that all flatties have to submit to get exposed.

Yet when I instructed her to send additional pictures, she had deleted her account.

After a few weeks, she came back, begging to get exposed again

But not much later, she regretted her decision and begged once more to get exposed:

Hi how are you? I sent you pictures of my flat tits to get myself exposed and humiliated a couple weeks ago, but then I was so embarrassed and ashamed that I deleted my account. However I can’t stop myself from checking your website pretty much every day, secretly hoping that you exposed me anyways. So I’m back. I need to face my fear and experience the deep embarrassment that I know I really need and deserve.

– Flatty 67

She was to pathetic and desperate for exposure that, when I didn’t immediately reply, she kept writing me, asking if I had gotten her message.

At first, I made her apologize for her misbehavior

An apology letter of a flat-chested woman for having deleted her account after having begged to get exposed and humiliated online for her inadequacy
This is the pathetic apology letter that flatty 67 has written after her first shame-attack

As an appropriate apology, I ordered her to write a few sentences in her nicest handwriting. This is the pathetic outcome of this exercise. At least – one might think – that she has finally learned her lesson and got her shame under control.

Yet, after she submitted some additional pictures of her tiny tits and unused pussy, she deleted her account once more.

Let her know what you think of her behavior and her ugly body in the comments

Let her know what you think of flaky flatties in the comments.

And come back soon. In the next post, I’ll tell about her ridiculous, embarrassing attempts in high school to make her tiny tits grow – and you’ll see some picture of her trying it again.

65 – This 20 year old says she is a “dumb whore with no tits”

Flat-chested 20 year old slut taking a selfie in "sexy underwear" that looks completely ridiculous due to her non-existent boobs
This 20 year old flatty looks like an absolute joke in her “sexy outfit”

This flat-chested 20 year old begged to be exposed and ridiculed, saying that she is a “dumb whore with no tits”.

But is she?

When I ordered her to send a picture of herself in a sexy outfit, this is what she sent. Yet despite carefully scrutinizing every pixel, I haven’t been able to find anything sexy about it. All we can see is badly colored hair, pale skin, and a completely flat body without any shapes and curves.

Throw in a cheap-looking “dress” with a cheesy print that you wouldn’t want to buy for 5 cents in a second hand store and you have a poor flatty, ready to get humiliated in front of the whole world.

So the “dumb” part really applies.

Does she have any tits? Let’s judge from her underwear pictures

Flat-chested woman exposing her ugly, pale body in mismatching underwear
It’s relatively easy to spot a belly button piercing on this picture – but completely impossible to see any tits

When a man sees an attractive woman in underwear, it takes less than half a second for him to check out her tits. In milliseconds, he can form a judgment on their size, shape and overall attractiveness.

For flatty 65, it takes a minute and a magnifying glass to form a judgment whether we are looking at a woman or a man in female underwear, with a fake piercing and a wig – and even then, it’s more like a 50-50 guess.

If your tits and dignity are as non-existent as hers, gather your courage and beg to get exposed on

Assuming for a moment that this is, indeed, a woman: not only are her “tits” totally, 100%, invisible – mostly due to their size, but also due to her stupid decision to wear a bra that has essentially the same color as her skin, making her flat chest even less of a fix point for the eye.

She was also stupid enough to get her belly button pierced, which draws away even more attention from her completely boring, shapeless chest.

Is she too ugly to be a whore? Who would fuck a whore as flat-chested as her?

Flatty 65 presenting herself in mismatched underwear. Her ass is much bigger than her flat-chest, but the sight of her ugly body is embarrassing even to look at
Even this perspective doesn’t make her any more attractive. Yes, her ass is 10x bigger than her flat-chest – but this only accentuates her boy’s weaknesses

Even if one enjoys humiliating flat-chested women, it’s painful to look at pictures such as this for one simple reason: they show off an ugly, misshaped body that was clearly not made to be shown off.

Any man in his right mind would run away the moment her ugly, deformed, titless body of flatty 65 is exposed in ugly, unflattering underwear such as hers.

And yet, she is calling herself a “whore”. It’s unimaginable that anyone would pay to fuck her; even fucking her for money would be quite a stretch.

Yet assuming that you were desperate and needed money: how much would flatty 65 need to pay you for you to even touch her? Share your thoughts, judgments and insults in the comments.

64 – “Because I have no tits, I have to be laughed at”

A flatty is trying to pull-off a hot, white dress, and fails completely
Even when she is dressed and is putting on a “sexy” outfit, it’s clear that this blonde has no tits at all

In ordinary life, women put on sexy dresses to show off their hot bodies and their perky, voluptuous tits.

Seeing them in a hot outfit, or, later on, in playful lingerie, stimulates the viewers’ mind and fantasy.

Not so for flatties – especially those that want to know if their tits are too small and get exposed on

In the first message they send, they already expose their tiny or even completely non-existent tits. There is nothing left to the fantasy and I know how ugly and inadequate their tits are before I send them the first reply.

Few things are more hilarious than flat-chested women in “hot” outfits

Falt-chested woman wearing a "sexy" outfit that looks completely hideous due to her non-existent tits
There is absolutely no reason for this outfit to include any cups – there is nothing underneath them, other than two nipples hard from embarrassment and shame

Nonetheless, I often ask them for pictures in sexy outfits. Not because it looks hot, but because I want to have a laugh at their expense and fuck with their minds.

It is quite entertaining to see what these flatties consider to be “sexy”. 64 is a perfect example of this. She put on a white dress, under which she looks completely flat.

Even in her black, see-through underwear, one cannot see anything. The reason is simple: there is nothing there. She is completely flat and lacks even the smallest resemblance of tits.

Because I have no tits, I have to be laughed at.

Flatty 64

“Most girls got real breasts, but I didn’t”

Flatty 63 is lying down in what is supposed to be sexy underwear and looks completely ridiculous
Even in this white underwear that is almost as see-through as it gets, the place where women usually have tits remains completely flat, unattractive, and boring

At least, flatty 64 knows how flat she is. Find out a bit more about her in her own words:

How old are you? 

“I am 25 years old.”

What is your bra size? 

“European size 75A.”

When was the first time you realized that your tits are smaller than they should be? 

“That was at school, at the age of 14, when most girls got real breasts, even those who were flat before.”

Share your thoughts and ideas for insulting nicknames in the comments

With tiny tits like hers, it is no wonder that she soon became a victim of bullying and humiliating comments by the boys in her school.

Can you guess what her nickname was? What would you have called a flatty like her in high school if you didn’t care about hurting her feelings?

Share your thoughts and insults in the comments. In one of the future posts, her real nickname (and non-existent tits) will be revealed.

61 – This 24 year old has every reason to feel insecure about her chest

Without this bra, she is starting to look really ugly

Almost every woman feels insecure about some part of her body.

What sets flatties about from otherwise confident, attractive women is that they are insecure about the most important part of their bodies: their tits.

Sooner or later, they cannot stand it any more and need to receive an objective rating of their tits, based on established, scientific criteria.

“I know you’ll be honest but I’m really sensitive and this is so embarrassing”

So it was only a matter of time until this flatty wanted to find out the truth. After many months of reading about other flatties and probably masturbating to their humiliation and fantasizing about being in their position, this pathetic flatty mustered up the courage and begged to have her tits rated.

But before exposing her naked tits to the hole world and giving her the answers she desperately desires – even at the price of losing her own dignity – let’s find out a bit more about how she sees herself.

She feels so insecure about her tits that she is jealous of other girls

Tell me about yourself.

“Can you please rate my chest? I’m 24 and I feel insecure and jealous of other girls. I know my boobs are a bit wonky and point in weird directions, but I’m hoping they have redeeming features. I don’t like how they droop – for my age, they should be perkier.

What is your bra size?

“I don’t know my bra size I think it’s a b or nearly c.”

What is your most embarrassing memory related to your small tits?

“My most embarrassing memory is a boy telling me one was bigger than the other. I hadn’t noticed until then.”

Where are you from?

“I’m from Spain/Ireland.”

How many men did you have sex with?

“I slept with maybe 20 men.”

Share your thoughts about her “tits” in the comments

Before I expose her completely, let’s discuss what already becomes apparent about her body from the picture in underwear.

At first sight, one might think that she has a relatively attractively shaped body.

But at closer sight, even the underwear cannot hide her inadequacies.

It’s clear that her bra size of “b or nearly a c” is only a dream. The bra she is wearing is clearly too loose – so loose that even her hair gets caught up in it.

And without the bra, her tits’ many other defects become visible as well.

What do you think? Share your thoughts and insults in the comments before she gets exposed completely.

60 – “No man has ever seen my tits since”

Ugly woman with ill-fitting bra and saggy tits covered in stretch marks
This is what her “tits” look like in a bra that fits the larger one of them

This 29 year-old flatty is a particularly funny example of what tits should not look like.

As written in the guide about judging tits, one of the 5 main criteria used to rate tits is symmetry.

Another criterion is size.

You know that your tits are ugly when you’re screwed in both ways: your tits are not only not symmetrical and small, but they even differ in size by an entire cup size.

One a cup and one b cup tit

This is what her tits look like in a bra that fits the smaller one

The picture at the beginning of this post shows this flatty wearing a b cup. As one can see, it (almost) fits the left tit on the picture, but looks as if it’s almost twice as big as it should be for the right one.

Unfortunately a smaller size is just as bad. While the tit on the right – which doesn’t even need a bra at all, because it’s completely non-existent – is now covered, the tit on the left gets squeezed and looks like it is being cut in half by this ill-fitting bra that is better suited for little girls than for real women.

“He told me my tits are worthless”

Her ex-boyfriend already told her how ugly her tits are and ruined her self-confidence. Now, she not only has a ruined body, but also a ruined mind. Let’s make sure to reinforce this message.

This is how she describes her suffering and bullying in her own words.

When was the first time that you realized your “tits” are smaller than they should be? 

“I realized my tits were smaller than they should be when everyone at school was growing tits. My friends have always tormented me about my tiny tits.”

What is the most embarrassing/humiliating experience you ever had with your tiny “tits”? 

“The most embarrassing experience I have had with my tiny tits took place on the day I caught my now ex bf wanking over a picture of his ex girlfriends tits. They were ginormous! I shouted at him and told him to stop or we’re over. He carried on until he came and told me my tits were worthless. No man has seen them since.”

“I will instantly regret sending this”

This flatty doesn’t just have small tits, but also a small brain.

She was so wet and horny from reading about other flatties getting exposed that she couldn’t help but send me pictures of her ugly tits, begging to get exposed, even though she realized she would regret it later on.

Not only that, but she also, at first, sent pictures where the writing was completely unreadable.

Then she sent new pictures but was too stupid to spell the website correctly.

When I ordered her to send new pictures, this time with the website spelled correctly, this is what she replied:

I’m too ashamed to send the pictures again. I’m so dumb, that’s why I got the website wrong although I visit often. My tits are so tiny and misshapen.  

– Flatty 60

Share your thoughts about her “tits” in the comments

Let’s make sure that she regrets both: sending the pictures in the first place, and then disobeying and not re-sending the correct pictures.

Share your thoughts and ratings in the comments. In the next post, I’ll expose her ugly, stretchy, saggy tits – she hid them even from her sex partners after leaving her ex boyfriend, but then the entire world can see how ugly she is.

59 – “I haven’t masturbated yet because I feel so ashamed” (part 2)

Clearly, the sign is right – no self-respecting woman would be to be humiliated and insulted online and submit such ridiculous underwear pictures w

A bit earlier, you could already read about this ridiculous, 30 year old flatty with no tits and no confidence.

As everyone could see who isn’t completely blind: she looks absolutely ridiculous in what she regards as a “sexy” outfit.

Yet still – her behavior is even more pathetic than her looks. After begging to be exposed online, she read the post about herself and the insults in the comments and masturbated to the humiliation, like a completely worthless piece of trash.

When I saw the post, it almost felt like it wasn’t real. I couldn’t believe that those pictures were out there where anyone could see them. Everything that you wrote about me along with the comments, especially the one that I wouldn’t need to do much for a sex change, made me want to cry but also got me ridiculously wet. I haven’t masturbated yet because I still feel so ashamed but I’m sure that when I get past that, I won’t be able to keep my hands out of my pants.

– Flatty 59

Why would anybody buy such ill-fitting bras?

Her skin looks almost as unhealthy and repulsive as her “tits”

There is so much wrong with her body, it’s hard to list it all in one past (which is part of the reason I’m exposing her one post at a time).

Any 13 year old buy with acne has better skin than her.

And to make things worse, she is incapable of buying bras that fit her ill-shaped body.

Let her know how ridiculous she looks in a bra

This bra is so ill-fitting, it’s a mystery why anybody would even sell it to her

Any man can fill out this bra better than her. Let her know how ugly she is in the comments. Next time, I will post pictures of her “tits” and with her trying to titty-fuck a dildo – a really hilarious sight.

58 – “I’m gonna delete these pictures immediately”

Flat-chested woman pressing her tits together in an attempt to make them look bigger
Trying to make her tits look bigger only makes them look more ridiculous

This flatty was so embarrassed by her own pictures that she was incredibly scared that someone might find them on her phone. After sending them – ironically to get exposed online, so everyone can laugh at how ugly and undeveloped her chest is – she immediately deleted them.

“I was completely flat for a long time”

What is your bra size?

“I think in like a 36C? Or a 36B?” 

How old are you and where are you from?

“I’m 18 from Canada.”

When was the first time you realized that your tits are smaller than they should be?

“When I was in middle school I was a later bloomer and I was completely flat for a long time. I was in home economics and a girl who was a lot bustier than me was playing with the stuffing and started stuffing it down my shirt so I could ‘have as much as her’.” 

What is the most embarrassing/humiliating experience you ever had with your tiny “tits”?

My first girlfriend posted a picture of me and a guy she knew sent her a message saying “I didn’t know you liked flat chested girls‘”.

An ugly flatty like her deserves to get bullied

She looks even uglier naked

Even in a bra, her tits look quite saggy – and that although they are quite small. If only she were able to put the fat from her other body parts into her tits. Too bad that she can’t do that.

I have always been turned on by humiliation, maybe because I was bullied a lot.

Flatty 58

It’s no wonder that she was bullied in school. Children can be quite mean, and with a classmate as ugly and underdeveloped as her, she was an easy and deserving target.

Apparently, she developed a psychological defense mechanism against this that is doomed to failure: lying to herself.

Instead of accepting her ugly looks, she’s making up lies and telling herself that her tits aren’t actually that bad.

I used to be flat and more insecure, but now most of the guys I’ve been with have told me that my tits are really big and pretty. I definitely don’t think I’m flat, or even small anymore.

Flatty 58

Tell her how ugly she really is

Let’s remind her of her worst bullying experience and tell her how ugly her tits really are. Otherwise, she will keep living with this lie.

It’s time to destroy the false confidence she built up.

Soon, I will expose her tits completely. And then you will see that their size and sagginess is not their only bad feature.

57 – “I’m fat with no tits”

A flat chested woman exposes her tiny tits with ruined nipples and cheap, ugly tattoos
Saggy tits with tortured nipples – a pathetic sight

Two things are really bad for a woman’s looks: if she has no tits, or if she’s fat. Luckily, both characteristics are to some extent mutually exclusive. Being fat usually means having large tits, so at least there is some kind of compensation.

Yet, these characteristics aren’t completely mutually exclusive. Some unfortunate women get fat without growing boobs. Flatty 57 is a typical example of these titless, disgusting cows.

At least she knows how ugly she is

This 35 year old f(l)atty has disgusting, saggy tits, with nipples that are completely ruined from her self-torture. Not even her ugly tattoos help draw any attention to her cheap looking body.

Yet even more ugly than her naked tits is her disgusting, fat belly. I asked her to send me a picture in underwear. This vomit-inducing piece of “art” is what I received. Even her naked, ugly breasts (which are already a disgrace) are more attractive than this stomach that looks just like a punching bag.

In addition to that, she is not only flat and fat (which inspired me to create a new post category on here, named precisely this), but also too stupid to spell small tits humiliation correctly.

I’m fat with no tits

– F(l)atty 57

The only good thing that can be said about her that she has realized how ugly she is, and that she deserves to be laughed at and publicly exposed.

As always, share your thoughts and insults in the comments. If you are fat and flat yourself, get in touch to get exposed as well.