60 – The skin on her tits is completely ruined (part 2)

This is what tits look like covered in stretch marks and scars

In the last post, you could already see this 29 year old flatty in two ridiculous bras: one clearly too big, one clearly too small.

Since her ex boyfriend humiliated her because of her ugly tits, she hid them from everyone, including sex partners.

I have had sex since but I try to keep my shirt on. If they take it off. they only fuck me from behind. I see the look of horror in there eyes.

– Flatty 60

Now, her ugliest body part is exposed to the whole world.

There are so many things wrong with her tits

One could fill entire books by naming everything wrong with her “tits”. But let’s start with the main points.

Size: This one was already visible when she was wearing bras. Her tits are both small – and yet, they still differ by an entire cup size. It’s an absolutely hilarious sight.

Stretch marks and scars: Her tits are completely covered in stretch marks and scars. They look unhealthy and disgusting. Nobody in their right mind would ever want to touch them with their bare hands.

Areola: To make matters worse, she has gigantic areola. And they are not just oversized, but covered with pimples. Essentially, her tits look like they have about a large nipple in the center, surrounded by a dozen small ones. It would be funny if it weren’t so sad.

What other faults can you point out about her tits?

Now that you’ve seen her ugliness in all its glory, it’s time to share your thoughts and insults. What do you think about her? Let’s make sure she regrets ever having begged to get exposed on here.

If your tits are as ugly as hers, you deserve to be exposed

12 thoughts on “60 – The skin on her tits is completely ruined (part 2)

  1. Shora

    They are very very uneven Atleast I feel better about mine xx but I’m sure you have a pretty face and body. 😊 Don’t worry they aren’t the nicest but you could fix them easily πŸ™‚

    1. Shora

      I already showed you them πŸ™‚ . You must have thought mine weren’t too bad. Hers are very uneven and saggy compared to mine . I thought mine were different sizes hahaha. These are so weird looking. Theyve made me feel much better πŸ™‚

        1. Shora

          Don’t know maybe 2 weeks ago x then I changed my mind and got shy x I wanted to know what you think x They wouldn’t be worse than this woman’s anyway that’s clear haha It’s the Irish girl ❀️ God help me if my boobs are like this when I’m 29

  2. Pingback: 60 – “I feel so dirty and ugly” (part 3) | Small Tits Humiliation

  3. Pingback: This flatty has been voted to have the ugliest, most embarrassing tits of all women exposed on here | Small Tits Humiliation

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