#52 85% of people think that this chest belongs to a boy, but it’s actually a girl with really small and ugly tits (part 2)

Even without the hands, one needs to use a microscope to recognize that these are supposed to be tits

In this post, I asked you to vote on whether you think this completely unimpressive, nondescript chest belongs to a boy or a girl.

Many of you have taken part in the poll – and the results could hardly be more clear.

Almost 85% of you think that flatty 52 is so completely flat that she looks like a boy.

It’s hard to imagine a judgment more destructive to a girl’s self-confidence than the judgment of men and real women with tits who consider her chest to be completely flat, boyish and absolutely unattractive.

The vast majority clearly thinks that this is a boy’s chest – what a complete embarrassment for this flat-chested “girl”

The only thing more pathetic than the fact that people cannot tell her gender from her upper body is how much she gets turned on by being exposed, ridiculed and humiliated online.

She doesn’t have any tits, nobody wants to fuck her and she masturbates to the thought of people thinking she looks like a boy.

I really hope that she cries from shame and embarrassment after she is completely exposed on here.

I decided to touch myself gently while thinking about strangers on the Internet debating what my genitals look like, which I had never imagined before, but here we are! The humiliation is really strong so I have had to make myself stop masturbating…

Flatty 52

Who is this poor, ugly, unattractive virgin?

How old are you?

“I am 20 years old.”

How many people did you have sex with (approximately)?

I have never had sex (I think I am definitely ashamed of how I look…)”

When was the first time you realized that your tits are smaller than they should be?

“The first time I really noticed how small my tits were was when I was trying on a dress and the shop assistant was trying not to laugh at how pathetically the dress hung over my chest, not being filled out at all. I think I was 16 then? It haunts me!

What is the most embarrassing/humiliating experience you ever had with your tiny “tits”?

“My most embarrassing moment would probably be in high school, a friend noticing I didn’t have a bra on and then her grabbing my chest to try to make my nipples hard. They stuck out and she started making comments that now I at least had something going on under my shirt.

I am definitely ashamed of how I look.

Flatty 52

No wonder that this 20 year old is still a virgin with her non-existent tits

When she lies down, her “tits” completely disappear – she still looks like a boy, even when she is not covering her pathetic chest

When flatty 52 begged to be exposed to finally find out if her tits are really as hideous as she thought (hint: they are even worse), I ordered her to send me a picture in a slutty outfit.

Turns out: she doesn’t own a slutty outfit. She never even had sex. Like this complete flatty and this flatty that likes to lick toilets clean, she is still a virgin.

No wonder she doesn’t wear slutty outfits. The more skin she shows, the uglier she gets. She should do everything in her power to ensure nobody ever has to look at her ugly chest. And yet she is on here, completely exposed for everyone to see.

I feel that my tits are not tiny, but they are ugly and when I lie down they vanish! 

Flatty 52

After she sent me some other pictures, she admitted that she thinks her tits are at their ugliest when she lies down. Needless to say that this is what she had to do for the next picture that you can see in this post.

And she is right: they completely vanish. There are absolutely no shadows to be found. It’s ridiculous to watch her pathetic nipples get hard in a desperate attempt to attract attention. But her chest is a complete joke. The only reaction she will ever get to her nonexistent boobs are laughter and pity.

Share your thoughts about this desperate, horny, flat-chested cunt in the comments

I wonder what kind of people go on your website? It cannot just be flat girls like me. I wonder what they think about us, being desperate and submitting pictures to be ridiculed.

Flatty 52

Let her know how ugly and unattractive she is and help ruin her self-confidence forever. Also, feel free to subscribe to never miss any updates and be among the first to find out when I expose her virgin pussy.

7 thoughts on “#52 85% of people think that this chest belongs to a boy, but it’s actually a girl with really small and ugly tits (part 2)

  1. JD

    Doesn’t own a slutty outfit? I hope she feels shamed into buying one for all of us.
    Either way, expose her pussy, there’s no way she can stop you now and it might show us she’s good for one thing at least

  2. james

    God she really is a boy isn’t she, expose her massive cock clit and unused pussy. I bet she’s wet at the thought of everyone seeing her ugly cunt

  3. Pingback: Tit sizes matter – what science can tell us about small tits humiliation – smalltitshumiliation.com

  4. Pingback: #52 Painful toothpaste makes her clitoris swell to the size of a cock (part 3) – smalltitshumiliation.com

  5. 57

    It’s not only flat women. It’s also for cows, like me. At least you are well proportioned. You have a flat chest and a flatter tummy.


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