In the last post, we could all laugh at how ridiculous this flatty looks like an an ill-fitting bra.
Now, we can laugh at how ridiculous she looks like without it.
Unfortunately, like almost all flatties, she looks uglier the less she wears.
There are so many things that are wrong with her “tits”
She already mentioned quite a long list of flaws of her tis herself:
- They are “wonky” and “point in weird directions“
- They droop
- One is bigger than the other
But this is just the beginning of a long list.

She may try to hide it by wearing padded bras that are clearly too big. But it is undeniable when she is naked: her tits are extremely tiny.
In fact, they are so tiny that one could easily cover both her tits with a single hand.
This is clearly way too small to satisfy anybody. It’s no wonder that her ex “liked big boobs like the girls on tv and in music videos” – something that she clearly cannot offer.
Her boobs are also not very symmetrical. Both her nipples point in different directions.
And, as she pointed out correctly, her tits are saggier than they should be at a 24 year old.
The most embarrassing aspect of her tits is that they tell everyone how wet she gets
The most embarrassing fact about her tits, however, is not that they reveal a defect of her body.
Instead, they reveal how fucked up her mind is. She took these pictures, knowing that she would later beg to get exposed and have her pictures distributed online, for everyone to see.
And it’s clear from her tits what was going through her mind – and what was happening to her pussy – when she took them.
She got so wet from the thought of strangers laughing at her and talking about her body’s shortcomings that her nipples gathered all their strength to get as hard and erect as they possibly can.
And they still look pathetic. Her mosquito bites look pathetic. Her entire body looks pathetic.
What is the least attractive feature of her tits?
She is a flat-chested girl, desperate for male attention that she cannot get with her disappointing looks.
All she can do is lower her standards, sacrifice her dignity and hope that people will laugh at her instead of completely ignoring her.
Let’s see when she comes back to beg for further humiliation.
Until then: let’s discuss her shortcomings and share your thoughts and insults in the comments.
Her tits are so spread apart
Wow, where to begin? I mean, of course they’re very small—I can only imagine how much she struggles to get people to notice her in a swimsuit or bikini, because these tiny mounds aren’t going to give her any definition at all.
But worse (for her) or how *weird* they look, generally. As the commenter above noted, they sit really far apart on her chest—like that gap is cavernous. It just gives them a really unappealing look. They’re drooping, which is actually kind of impressive considering how small they are. And they’re each a different size and look a little…misshapen? I’m not sure how to describe them exactly but something in their general shape just looks *off*, like her boobs aren’t finished being formed yet or something.
And lastly, something no one else has mentioned, but it’s weird/funny how her giant nipples take up like 90% of her areolas.
Anyway, like a lot of the girls whose photos appear here, I feel legitimately badly for her. She wondered if her boobs have any “redeeming qualities,” and sadly I’m unable to come up with any. Sorry, sweetie: you just have an ugly and inferior pair of boobs.
Thank you for your detailed and accurate analysis. Poor girl.
Losers with chests like #61 (these can’t be called breasts) should have to hold up pictures of women with actual boobs to show the stark superiority actual women have over pancake chested dweebs.
Good idea.
I think as punishment you should make these small titted girls masturbate to pictures of women they know or admire who have bigger tits
That’s something I do on a daily basis. My owners keep me in my place. I’m a slave for a Dom & Domme and Mistress is very womanly, I could only wish I was half of the amount of woman she is.
Ok 🙁 if I gained weight they will get bigger thanks for rating them though <3
I bet she has a thick clit a lot like her nipples and I bet they both get super hard when she is rubbing reading everyone’s comments, such a sad event knowing most men will never want to breed her.
Another point is the gross fact that one nipple is inverted. Not even both nipples are so deformed, but only one of them. The only pleasure I might get from these is to show them that they aren’t useful in pleasing me sexually. Clamps, slaps, weights, all the will making #61 apologize for having such an ugly, disgusting chest. Making her repeat the fact of her breasts are worthless, apologize for showing them and turning our stomachs and thanking us for showing her exactly what she is – until she believes that the only attention they deserve is abusive and she should be grateful for it.
Reading the comments everyone is laughing at how small these tits are made me so embarrassed
She has a big Tits compared to mine
Let’ see them so we can judge
I’m not really sure I can handle all that humiliation and I’ve never showed my body to anyone
Then it’s about time.
I’m trying to gain weight to make them grow
Is 32 d bra size ok ?
It’s not only about size, it’s about shape, proportions, color, etc.
Nikki I appreciate your comments I definitely think that teaching these flatties to respect, idolize and masturbate exclusively to women with big beautiful natural tits would be good for them. Wish there was women with big beautiful natural tits that would post here so flatties can see the royal treatment real woman would receive here and we can have them masturbate to the superior women that support this page and the ratings and comments from the community further emphasizing to them that we don’t hate and humiliate all tits just their small underdeveloped ones. Flatties should be trained to be lesbians pining and lusting away their brains to thoughts and images of superior women that have big beautiful natural breasts.