Category Archives: Writing

4 “barely an aa”

“Barely an aa… embarrassing useless flattie”

You look disgusting. At least your brain must be a bit larger than your chest is big because you’re clever enough to know that you should be ashamed of your chest. You have the flattest chest one can imagine. It is absolutely, 100 percent unattractive and a massive turnoff even for the horniest men. To attract some sexual attention and get cocks hard, you will really need to work insanely hard and flush your honor and your dignity down the toilet. That is, if you have any left – after what must be a lifetime full of bullying from real women.

3 „please make fun of my flat chest“

„Please make fun of my flat chest“

Clearly this flattie is not just lacking tits, but also has a brain that is only the size of her basically non-existent tits. Otherwise, she would not have been too stupid to realize that she needs to write on her body the other way round if she wants people to be able to read the degrading texts on her.

It’s a desperate cry for attention by a flat wannabe slut that nobody wants to fuck or even abuse. Her belly is almost bigger than her tits – she should really be embarrassed and ashamed of herself.

2 flat-chested piggy girl

With tits four cup sizes bigger, she could almost look attractive and make men want to be kind to her, put their arms around her and protect her. Yet with these disgustingly small “tits” and her boy chest, such thoughts will always remain dreams. She can be grateful if men pay enough attention to her to abuse her, hit her or even – as she hopes when she goes to bed everyday horny, longing to be fucked – raped. At least she knows her place, but nothing can compensate or even excuse her ridiculous chest.