Tag Archives: nipple clamps

60 – “I feel so dirty and ugly” (part 3)

Flat chested woman with two different sized tits lying down - the tit on the right of the picture completely disappears
Her smaller tit completely disappears when she is lying down

A few days ago, we already made fun of the completely ruined skin on her tits and how ridiculous she looks when wearing an ill-fitting bra . With tits like hers, it’s no wonder her boyfriend sought out some real tits when masturbating.

It’s also no wonder she got so embarrassed after sending the first batch of pictures that she was too scared to send any additional pictures, after being too stupid to send pictures with the correct spelling of the website written on her tits.

Like many flat-chested women, she doesn’t just lack tits but also a functioning brain.

“I feel so thankful for the attention even if it’s bad”

Her tits are so ugly, they would be an embarrassment to the hottest supermodel. It’s good to see that she is speeding up her own decay.

But when I exposed her anyway, as she knew I would when she submitted per pictures, she got so wet and embarrassed from the insulting comments that she hurt her own tits and begged for further humiliation.

Let her describe her experience in her own words.

I just want to say thanks for exposing my ugly tits. I feel so thankful for the attention, even if it is bad. It makes me drip. I feel so dirty and ugly. I always thought my tits were bad but now I feel so insecure. I think these are the last pics of my tits I will ever send. I realize they deserve to be hurt in some way.

– Flatty 60

She will continue to masturbate to fantasies of strangers laughing at her

It doesn’t take a genius to know that she will continue to masturbate to the attention and insults she will receive after this post, just like she has done in the past.

It’s hard to find a flatty more pathetic and worthless than her.

Exposing her ugly body for strangers online is the only way for her to get anybody to even look at her.

Just like putting clamps on her nipples is the only way for her to be able to pretend that somebody is touching her tits – which no person in their right mind would ever do. They simply look too ruined and infectious.

Will this really be the last time she gets exposed online?

Let her know how ridiculous her “tits” look like when she is lying down, and how much pain she deserves as a punishment for her ugliness.

Also, let’s see if her mind is really strong enough and she is able to stop herself from submitting additional pictures, or if her wet pussy takes over the next time she is horny and she sends even more humiliating pictures and begs even more pathetically to get exposed further.

Given how small her brain is, I think we all know the answer.

57 – You know you’re ugly when your stomach is bigger than your tits (part 2)

We could all already laugh at this digusting fat cow, who said of herself that she is fat with no tits.

It’s really a mystery how she is able to be disgustingly fat, but at the same time have almost no tits. Without her ugly, cheap tattoo and the nipple clamps, her tits would be completely invisible on this picture.

Normally, men are drawn to the sight of naked tits. With her, they are repelled – not just because of her tits, but also because of her fat belly.

It is pathetic how desperate she is for attention

What’s even more embarrassing about fatty 57 than her hideous looks is how desperately she is trying to attract attention. Not only does she take countless, vomit-inducing pictures of herself – she also shares ridiculous stories about getting “belly-fucked” in the comments on the first post.

Let’s make sure that this fat cow never hears a positive word about its trashy body again and that she herself has to vomit whenever she looks in the mirror. Who knows – it might even help her lose weight.

If you have additional insults to share, let her know in the comments.