48 She is desperately trying to make her ugly tits look nice with sexy underwear

Her ugly tits look even more ridiculous in this cheap, ill-fitting bra
No underwear in the world can make her ugly tits look any more attractive
After she was too stupid to complete her original punishment, she had to redo her humiliating writing task
Since she was too stupid to complete the task at first, she had to rewrite some of the lines

After flatty number 48 got exposed on here, she felt terribly ashamed of her ugly tits and embarrassed about being exposed and the comments she received.

In a desperate attempt to feel better about her ugly, uneven tits, she tried to make them look better with this playful bra – by hiding their unevenness and her oversized areola. Too bad for her that it doesn’t work. Everybody who has seen her ugly tits – which, since she has been publicly and irrevocably exposed online as a “woman” with ugly tits might be just about anybody with access to the internet – will immediately see through her desperate attempt and recognize her ugly tits through any underwear or even complete outfit that she might put on.

An attractive woman with firm, large, evenly sized tits looks attractive in lingerie. You just look more ugly and ridiculous than you do naked – which is quite an impressive achievement, since you’re already nothing but a laughingstock in the first post.

Since she was not only too stupid to recognized the flaws of her tits, but also to complete her writing task, as was pointed out in the comments, she had to redo a part of it. Hopefully this has helped destroy the last bits of her self-confidence that her subconsciousness was trying to cling to.

2 thoughts on “48 She is desperately trying to make her ugly tits look nice with sexy underwear

  1. 48

    Seeing my picture here agin made my cunt leak. I have masturbated to all of your comments. I only wish I had prettier tits so I wouldn’t have to get off on humiliation


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