This flat wannabe slut is really one of the most useless flatties with the most useless “tits” one can imagine. The only good thing is that she realizes how useless her “tits” are and that she is inferior to real women.
After telling her story and showing her non-existent “tits” (that even have non-existent nipples, how ridiculous is that?), she got so embarrassed that she didn’t even dare to read and reply to my answer.
Here is what she had to say first.
“It’s such a deep fantasy of mine to have my flat chest exposed to everyone but I’ve always been to afraid to actually do it. I know you’d actually do it for me though and I’d have to just accept it. I’ll send whatever photos you’d like. I especially like to be humiliated by having my pancakes compared to real women’s huge tits but whatever you see fit I’ll do.”
At first, she was too embarrassed to even show her “tits”, despite her big promises to do “whatever you see fit”. Then, she sent the pictures from this post and admitted her embarrassment to explain why she didn’t reply for a few days: “I was too embarrassed to show you, but here you go”.
She got really wet when reading posts such as this one about flatties in bikinis, so she desperately wanted to show off how inadequate she looks like in a bikini. Fortunately, she spares the world this view and avoids going out in a bikini whenever she can:
“These are what mine look like in a Bikini😂 I honestly try every which way to avoid wearing a bikini and if I get asked to go to the beach or a pool I will keep my cover up on. I get so bitter and jealous when I see a woman with big boobs wearing a bathing suit so carefree.”
Then, after saying that she was “extremely embarrassed”, she stopped replying. Too bad for this flatty that it’s too late now. She will be exposed to the world for what she is: a useless, flat-chested “girl” that is an embarrassment not only to herself, but to everyone who accompanies her to the beach or a similar place.
Here are the top five reasons why she should hide in a corner and be ashamed of herself:
- Her “tits” are extremely tiny and useless and don’t even cast a shadow
- Even her nipples are absolutely non-existent, and possible the flattest nipples on this site, in addition to some of the flattest tits
- Even the smallest bikini top size is at least three sizes too large, so it’s completely lose – if she were to swim like this, the water would take off her top in 30 seconds or less
- She fantasizes about real women’s tits, about being publicly exposed and calls her own tits “pancakes”
- She is stupid enough to promise to do “whatever you see fit”, to share her pictures online with the goal of being exposed and then gets too embarrassed to even reply any more.
Any other reasons why she should be ashamed and embarrassed? Share them in the comments.