Her chest could hardly be any flatter: many men have bigger “tits” than she does. The fact that she is still smiling shows that she has come to a point where she has accepted that she is inferior to real women, that it makes no sense for her to compete with them in any way. For flat “women”, there is only one way forward: complete subordination by not only waiting to be humiliated, but by humiliating themselves by showing off their inadequacy and lack of womanhood and inviting others to punish them for it.
Her “tits” are so tiny and she is so flat that she has to resort to painful measures to make them visible. One strong and quick pull on the chain and her nipples would be torn off. It would be painful for her, but apart from that, it wouldn’t really matter: her flat chest is already completely useless anyway.
Not having nipples could not possibly make her any less attractive. If anything, it would be an improvement: Without nipples, people would look at her chest with curiosity. Right now, if they look at her chest at all, it is with disgust.
Only men and real women are allowed to walk around the house and touch the floor. With her flat chest, there is only one appropriate place for her: the toilet. Sitting, however, would be too comfortable for her. Therefore, her master decided to give her a choice: stand on the toilet or sleep in front of the house.
In winter, sleeping in front of the house is hardly an option, so she has no choice other than to stand on the toilet. Over the years, she had to learn to sleep while standing without falling down – and in those few cases where she still falls down after falling asleep, her master’s tit whipping is much more painful than the pain from falling.
At least she has finally found a reason to be grateful for her flat chest: if she actually had real tits, if would be much more difficult for her to sleep while standing because the weight of her tits would make keeping the balance much more difficult.
The only thing worse than tiny tits are tiny hanging tits. But she shouldn’t be surprised. That’s what happens if you can’t wear bras because your tits are too small: even their almost insignificant weight is subject to gravity. The bad thing about having tiny tits isn’t just how inadequate you are, but that you become even more inadequate every single day, and that there is nothing you can do about it.
Although the clothing industry produces clothing in all sizes for reasons of political correctness, no reasonable person should waste money on bras with a cup smaller than C: women with such tiny tits are obviously not in need of them.
Yet this flatty is clearly so desperate to wear something around its tits and feel like a real woman that it apparently begged somebody to get tied up and wear a rope bra in the process. If only she had known that she will remain tied up until the entire neighborhood abused and laughed at her.
When did you realize that your “tits” are smaller than they should be?
“My friends laughed at me in high school when they realised I didn’t have a bra on, I thought I might be slightly smaller than a girl should be”
What is the most embarrassing/humiliating experience you ever had with your tiny “tits”?
“At a small party, my male friend took of his shirt and it led to others calling for me to take off mine, and everyone compared us both (and it ended in having to “prove” I was actually a girl with showing a friend my entire naked body…)”
The only good thing that can be said about this ugly, titless flattie is that it is aware of its place and its lack of tits. It has even realized how undesirable it is, that nobody would ever want to fuck it and that there is therefore no need to shave its useless pussy.
When looking at such a flat, useless body, one doesn’t know if one should cry from disgust, or laugh, as this flatties friends have done, because a woman without tits just looks utterly ridiculous. It would be an insult to real women to call this flattie a woman – and no amount of getting naked or showing its entire body is going to change that.
Rightfully so. If you’d flex your muscles, chances are your bicep would be bigger than your embarrassingly small tits. But it’s not enough if people make fun of your tits. They should punish them for having stopped growing at a time when real womens’ tits just got started. And you should encourage them to be as harsh as possible.
Another poor flattie where one has to look at least three or four times to notice that she is naked. Not even the marks from the clamps make her flat chest any more noticeable – or attractive, for that matter. She should be ashamed of herself. Hopefully she gets red from embarrassment whenever she sees a real woman or accidentally catches a reflection of herself in a mirror.
Is this a serious question? You are a useless slut with small tits. Nobody wants or desires you. You are a piece of meat to be abused, tortured and played with for a man’s pleasure, just to be thrown away after he came and is satisfied. The mere fact that you have to ask if you’re desirable shows that you – rightfully, due to your small tits – have no dignity or self confidence. You can try to become the biggest slut with the fewest limits, but men will still only want you to abuse and degrade you. That’s all you’re good for.
This is really one of the most ridiculous and almost cute submissions. Life with her tiny tits must have been so terrible for her (like for all flatties) that she is now willing to do anything, however ridiculous or unlikely to work, for a tiny chance to finally make her tits grow. They stopped growing early on in high school: the girls started bullying because they realized she is inferior to them; the boys because she was the least attractive girl so they could abuse her and make of her without the risk of being too harsh and risking their chance to fuck her. With her flat chest, she simply had no choice.