Tag Archives: small tits

32 “Are my tits big enough?”

“Are my tits big enough?”

At first, I’d be inclined to say that your tits appear to be bigger than most on this blog, at least on the first picture. But upon closer inspection, a large part of that seems to be due to the lighting , your choice of bra and – at least on the second picture – due to your pushing up your “tits” with your arms.

But even more importantly, the fact that you are so insecure about your “tits” that you have to ask whether they are big enough speaks volumes about you. Clearly you have, through the course of your life, picked up upon the thousands and thousands of small glances, gestures, comments and almost indiscernible behaviors of men and real, busty women around you, who clearly seemed to think that your “tits” are inadequate.

You yourself seem to be convinced of that, too. Why else would you have to ask, and why else would you be too ashamed to show your naked tits, and hide them underneath a bra and with your arms? The answer is probably that you are not just ashamed of the size of your “tits”, but also of your areola, nipples, or sagginess. You poor, poor, worthless thing.

29 Small and Saggy

The only thing worse than tiny tits are tiny hanging tits. But she shouldn’t be surprised. That’s what happens if you can’t wear bras because your tits are too small: even their almost insignificant weight is subject to gravity. The bad thing about having tiny tits isn’t just how inadequate you are, but that you become even more inadequate every single day, and that there is nothing you can do about it.

26 “Everyone makes fun of them”

“Everyone makes fun of them.”

Rightfully so. If you’d flex your muscles, chances are your bicep would be bigger than your embarrassingly small tits. But it’s not enough if people make fun of your tits. They should punish them for having stopped growing at a time when real womens’ tits just got started. And you should encourage them to be as harsh as possible.

25 “Am I a real woman?”

“Am I a real woman? Would men desire this body?”

Don’t be ridiculous. If you have to ask, you know the answer. You have a nice, slim physique – but apart from that, Mother Nature wasn’t kind to you. The most desirable thing for men in a woman are tits, and all you have are two embarrassingly small humps with nipples on them. Only real women are allowed to wear bras, and you are certainly not a real woman. Your body can still be desirable for men: but only as a punching bag and an object to torture, not because they get aroused when seeing your flat chest.

23 “Am I desirable?”

“Am I desirable?”

Is this a serious question? You are a useless slut with small tits. Nobody wants or desires you. You are a piece of meat to be abused, tortured and played with for a man’s pleasure, just to be thrown away after he came and is satisfied. The mere fact that you have to ask if you’re desirable shows that you – rightfully, due to your small tits – have no dignity or self confidence. You can try to become the biggest slut with the fewest limits, but men will still only want you to abuse and degrade you. That’s all you’re good for.

Share your thoughts: Girl at work

There’s this girl at work. She’s 25 years old. She’s skinny and is completely flat-chested. She’s got a cute face and all the guys like her but again, she’s flat-chested. I’ve even seen her bare boobs (which I refer to as “mosquito bites”) before and they are embarrassing, lol. I have a small penis (only 2 inches) but no one knows that by looking at me. But for a girl, everyone can see that she’s flat-chested, it’s great! She’s very self-conscious about it too.


That’s great, she certainly should be self-conscious about it. Everyone notices how flat she is and thinks she is inferior and worthless because of it and there is nothing she can do about it. Poor little thing.

If you have more thoughts and experiences to share, comment here or write me smalltitshumiliation at gmail dot com

22 “Watering them to see if they’ll grow”

“Watering them to see if they’ll grow.”

This is really one of the most ridiculous and almost cute submissions. Life with her tiny tits must have been so terrible for her (like for all flatties) that she is now willing to do anything, however ridiculous or unlikely to work, for a tiny chance to finally make her tits grow. They stopped growing early on in high school: the girls started bullying because they realized she is inferior to them; the boys because she was the least attractive girl so they could abuse her and make of her without the risk of being too harsh and risking their chance to fuck her. With her flat chest, she simply had no choice.

21 “Ashamed of my ugly tits”

“Ashamed of my ugly tits.”

You have every reason to be ashamed of your ugly tits. They are disgusting. Nobody should ever have to look at them involuntarily or feel the inevitable disappointment when you get naked.

There is so much wrong with your tits, it’s hard to know where to begin. Your areola are disgustingly large and make up an excessively large area of your “tits”. Your nipples are too broad and look weird when they get “hard”. Your “tits” are of different sizes and one is more saggy than the other. Their shape might look good on a real woman, but combined with the other features of your “tits”, it looks completely ridiculous. They even appear to be hairy!

Don’t even think about being a real woman or being able to satisfy a man with these ugly humps.

19 useless, saggy humps


Of course you are useless, you have nothing to offer a man and there is nothing to play with on your chest.. Your “tits” are ridiculously small, you should be ashamed of them and of being so inadequate. They would not even fill your hands – in fact, one of your hands would probably be enough to completely cover both your “tits”. You are truly an inferior and worthless flattie who should be grateful that people look at her “tits” at all, even if the only reason is to humiliate you.

18 “Should I worry about a bra today?”

“Small and saggy, should I even worry about a bra today?”

You have a lot of reasons to worry about your “tits”, because they are ugly, but you don’t have a reason to worry about a bra – not today, not ever. Your tits are too small to require one, and since they are already saggy, they won’t need a bra to help them keep their shape for the future.

Your tits are small, saggy and ridiculous – you should be ashamed of yourself for even considering wearing a bra.