Yet as you can see above, not only are her tits small and ugly, her unused, unshaved virgin pussy is also extremely ugly and unattractive.
Painful punishment for an orgasm without permission
Even worse: she doesn’t only repel men with her embarrassing, boyish looks. She is also extremely undisciplined and wasn’t able to read the insults and humiliating comments on her looks without rubbing her pussy and having an orgasm.
Even though I explicitly forbade her to do so. She then even considered lying about it – but of course bad behavior of flatties never goes undeteced.
As a punishment for her lack of discipline, she had to rub her pussy with toothpaste.
She then had to edge without cumming, and leave the toothpaste on for quite a bit.
Being the unexperienced virgin that she is, she of course cried and suffered and claimed that her pussy really hurts and that she has learned her lesson.
It hurts like an 8 on a scale of 1 to 10
Flatty 52
She should be terribly ashamed of her oversized clitoris
Her pussy is not just ugly because it’s not shaved (why would it be? She’ll never be able to get a man fuck her, anyway). It’s also ugly because her clitoris is so big that it’s more like a small cock than a large clit.
This is especially clear on the last picture where she spreads her pussy.
Her pussy is a really disgusting sight. Even if it were shaved, freshly washed and with three condoms on top of each other, I wouldn’t want to put my cock in this dirty, filthy hole.
This Gorean slave position makes clear how ugly her entire body is
Her tits are too small and her pussy is too big: no wonder this ugly 20 year old is still a virgin and ashamed of her body
Her ugliness is best captured in this Gorean slave position, best known from any lover of the planet Gor science fiction novels by John Norman.
Of course, her brain is just as small as her tits, so she was too stupid to put her hands on her hairy, boyish thighs, and instead put them between them.
At least this position was effective in making her feel exposed, ugly and unattractive.
Her small, uneven tits are clearly visible. It’s ridiculous to watch how her nipples get hard from the arousal this position causes.
Her swollen cunt is equally visible. Clearly, it’s not just too big when she applies toothpaste – it’s always too big and ugly.
And one can see the excessive amount of hair on her body, as well as her large, boyish hands.
Flatty 52, you should feel really, really ashamed of yourself and resign yourself to the fate of staying a virgin forever.
I have never felt more exposed or unattractive honestly
Flatty 52
Let her know how ugly she is in the comments
Like many flatties before, she wasn’t able to complete her punishment, and instead thought that running away and hiding from the truth about her undisciplined behavior and ugly body would somehow solve her problems.
But we all know: it won’t. You’re still a virgin, and yet the whole world is already laughing at your ugly tits and useless pussy. I’m sure your parents would be proud.
Let’s see how long it takes for her to beg for more punishments and humiliation. Probably not long, since from now on, every time she touches her pussy she will be reminded of how ugly it is – and that it’s exposed for everyone to see online.
Share your insults and cruel assessments of her body in the comments. And subscribe for free to never miss any updates about exposed flatties like her.
Many scientific studies and surveys on the satisfaction with breast sizes already exist.
However, because I wanted to look deeper into this topic, I have created an additional survey that is particularly focused on your favorite topic: small tits humiliation.
Even without the hands, one needs to use a microscope to recognize that these are supposed to be tits
In this post, I asked you to vote on whether you think this completely unimpressive, nondescript chest belongs to a boy or a girl.
Many of you have taken part in the poll – and the results could hardly be more clear.
Almost 85% of you think that flatty 52 is so completely flat that she looks like a boy.
It’s hard to imagine a judgment more destructive to a girl’s self-confidence than the judgment of men and real women with tits who consider her chest to be completely flat, boyish and absolutely unattractive.
The vast majority clearly thinks that this is a boy’s chest – what a complete embarrassment for this flat-chested “girl”
The only thing more pathetic than the fact that people cannot tell her gender from her upper body is how much she gets turned on by being exposed, ridiculed and humiliated online.
She doesn’t have any tits, nobody wants to fuck her and she masturbates to the thought of people thinking she looks like a boy.
I really hope that she cries from shame and embarrassment after she is completely exposed on here.
I decided to touch myself gently while thinking about strangers on the Internet debating what my genitals look like, which I had never imagined before, but here we are! The humiliation is really strong so I have had to make myself stop masturbating…
Flatty 52
Who is this poor, ugly, unattractive virgin?
How old are you?
“I am 20 years old.”
How many people did you have sex with (approximately)?
“I have never had sex (I think I am definitely ashamed of how I look…)”
When was the first time you realized that your tits are smaller than they should be?
“The first time I really noticed how small my tits were was when I was trying on a dress and the shop assistant was trying not to laugh at how pathetically the dress hung over my chest, not being filled out at all. I think I was 16 then? It haunts me!“
What is the most embarrassing/humiliating experience you ever had with your tiny “tits”?
“My most embarrassing moment would probably be in high school, a friend noticing I didn’t have a bra on and then her grabbing my chest to try to make my nipples hard. They stuck out and she started making comments that now I at least had something going on under my shirt.“
I am definitely ashamed of how I look.
Flatty 52
No wonder that this 20 year old is still a virgin with her non-existent tits
When she lies down, her “tits” completely disappear – she still looks like a boy, even when she is not covering her pathetic chest
When flatty 52 begged to be exposed to finally find out if her tits are really as hideous as she thought (hint: they are even worse), I ordered her to send me a picture in a slutty outfit.
No wonder she doesn’t wear slutty outfits. The more skin she shows, the uglier she gets. She should do everything in her power to ensure nobody ever has to look at her ugly chest. And yet she is on here, completely exposed for everyone to see.
I feel that my tits are not tiny, but they are ugly and when I lie down they vanish!
Flatty 52
After she sent me some other pictures, she admitted that she thinks her tits are at their ugliest when she lies down. Needless to say that this is what she had to do for the next picture that you can see in this post.
And she is right: they completely vanish. There are absolutely no shadows to be found. It’s ridiculous to watch her pathetic nipples get hard in a desperate attempt to attract attention. But her chest is a complete joke. The only reaction she will ever get to her nonexistent boobs are laughter and pity.
Share your thoughts about this desperate, horny, flat-chested cunt in the comments
I wonder what kind of people go on your website? It cannot just be flat girls like me. I wonder what they think about us, being desperate and submitting pictures to be ridiculed.
Flatty 52
Let her know how ugly and unattractive she is and help ruin her self-confidence forever. Also, feel free to subscribe to never miss any updates and be among the first tofind out when I expose her virgin pussy.
To further enhance her feeling of humiliation, the ugly, tiny titted slut has recreated her most embarrassing small tits experience: a failed attempt from a threesome to get titty fucked. The only difference is this: back then, only her two sex partners laughed at her; now, the whole world can see how ugly and inadequate her “tits” are – and the whole world is laughing at her.
A real woman would be able to completely enclose the cucumber between her tits and hold it up just by pressing her tits together. This tiny titted slut, however, can press and squeeze as hard as she wants. Her tits are simply too small to hold up, let alone enclose the cucumber.
Hopefully the embarrassing threesome experience will prevent her from disappointing any guys with her “tits” ever again.
What was the most humiliating experience you had with your tiny tits?
“My most humiliating experience was in a threesome with two guys. One awkwardly tried to titty fuck me and his friend who was fucking me just started making fun of his attempt and they laughed it off together. I wish I had bigger tits, really fucking bad.”
This flat wannabe slut is really one of the most useless flatties with the most useless “tits” one can imagine. The only good thing is that she realizes how useless her “tits” are and that she is inferior to real women.
After telling her story and showing her non-existent “tits” (that even have non-existent nipples, how ridiculous is that?), she got so embarrassed that she didn’t even dare to read and reply to my answer.
Here is what she had to say first.
“It’s such a deep fantasy of mine to have my flat chest exposed to everyone but I’ve always been to afraid to actually do it. I know you’d actually do it for me though and I’d have to just accept it. I’ll send whatever photos you’d like. I especially like to be humiliated by having my pancakes compared to real women’s huge tits but whatever you see fit I’ll do.”
At first, she was too embarrassed to even show her “tits”, despite her big promises to do “whatever you see fit”. Then, she sent the pictures from this post and admitted her embarrassment to explain why she didn’t reply for a few days: “I was too embarrassed to show you, but here you go”.
She got really wet when reading posts such as this one about flatties in bikinis, so she desperately wanted to show off how inadequate she looks like in a bikini. Fortunately, she spares the world this view and avoids going out in a bikini whenever she can:
“These are what mine look like in a Bikini😂 I honestly try every which way to avoid wearing a bikini and if I get asked to go to the beach or a pool I will keep my cover up on. I get so bitter and jealous when I see a woman with big boobs wearing a bathing suit so carefree.”
Then, after saying that she was “extremely embarrassed”, she stopped replying. Too bad for this flatty that it’s too late now. She will be exposed to the world for what she is: a useless, flat-chested “girl” that is an embarrassment not only to herself, but to everyone who accompanies her to the beach or a similar place.
Here are the top five reasons why she should hide in a corner and be ashamed of herself:
Her “tits” are extremely tiny and useless and don’t even cast a shadow
Even her nipples are absolutely non-existent, and possible the flattest nipples on this site, in addition to some of the flattest tits
Even the smallest bikini top size is at least three sizes too large, so it’s completely lose – if she were to swim like this, the water would take off her top in 30 seconds or less
She fantasizes about real women’s tits, about being publicly exposed and calls her own tits “pancakes”
She is stupid enough to promise to do “whatever you see fit”, to share her pictures online with the goal of being exposed and then gets too embarrassed to even reply any more.
Any other reasons why she should be ashamed and embarrassed? Share them in the comments.
Her “tits” already appeared quite small when she was dressed, but somehow, she managed to pretend to herself that “they look MUCH bigger naked”. Admitting to herself that she has tiny tits must have been too psychologically traumatizing for her – lying to herself was the easier way out.
However, no flatty can lie to herself forever, and this flat slut finally seems to have accepted the truth. The only thing one can see on this picture, apart from the terrible handwriting, are two hard nipples. Apparently she is not only flat, but also a twisted slut that get horny from being exposed, humiliated and degraded. Good for her – because with these tiny humps, nobody will ever treat her with respect. She surely doesn’t deserve it.
This titless, flat “girl” keeps being in denial and claims that she isn’t “flat” and that her tits actually “got bigger” in the past few months. Still: at last, she was finally able to look truth in the eye for a few seconds and write down what she deep down must know to be true about her “tits” since puberty. They are flat, and they always will be flat. She doesn’t have any tits to speak of, and the sooner she accepts this truth, the better.
Her subconscious seems to have realized that she is flat and should be ashamed of herself and feel self-conscious about her body. After all: if she weren’t so self-conscious, why would she be too scared to actually show her “tits”? And why would she not wear a bra if she actually had tits and needed one?
Let’s hope that she suffers enough humiliation and degradation so that one day she is no longer able to keep lying to herself and finally truly admits how worthless and inferior she actually is and that, yes, she is flat and has mosquito bites where real women have tits.
When was the first time you realized that your “tits” are smaller than they should be?
“When everyone needed a bra because their boobs were big, but when I wore it I knew I didnt need it… even the smallest one was loose in the cups.”
What is the most embarrassing/humiliating experience you ever had with your tiny “tits”?
“When in a school sleepover, one girl pointed out that I was flat even though I was wearing a pushup and all the girls pinned me to the ground and confirmed that I was actually flat.”
After eternally having been ignored by men because of its disgusting, tiny “tits”, this flattie has decided that it finally wants some attention – if only once, somebody would actually look at its “tits”, it is going to be happy.
Too bad that nobody will look at this flat chest in the same way that one would look at real tits. Instead, her “tits” will only be looked at with disgust or as a kind of amusement. After all, these “tits” are really as ugly as they could possibly be: despite being tiny, they are still quite saggy, the areola are disproportionately large and, as one can see particularly well in the picture with the bra on (which she should not even be allowed to wear), they are even hairy!
This flattie should be ashamed of its disgusting, tiny tits, and it should apologize to anyone who ever, for whatever reason, had to endure looking at them.
Scroll to the end down for more pictures and to vote on what pictures you want to see next
What is your bra size?
How old are you and where are you from?
Do you wear push up bras or try to make your tits look bigger than they are?
“I used to wear them a lot because my mom would always buy those for me but now I don’t try to pretend they’re bigger anymore because with push up bras you can see that my tits don’t fill them in and the empty space in between looks even more embarrassing.”
When did you first realize that your tits are smaller than they should be?
“Probably pretty late. I was the first girl in my class that started growing them so at that time the boys liked them which made me think they were big. My best friend also only had a-cups and she would often tell me she wished hers were bigger like mine. I only realized when other girls kept growing bigger and bigger that I couldn’t pretend mine weren’t much smaller anymore.”
What is your most humiliating/embarrassing experience with your small tits?”
“I was hanging outside with two of my friends and I had a loose tank top and a push up bra on. We were just walking around the neighborhood when one of them grabbed my top and bra and pulled them down and they both started laughing at me. I was so was so embarrassed they saw them and I tried holding my hands up to them but she managed to pull everything down again. It was like their inside joke to laugh at my small tits. And I think they were also laughing at me for being a slut ”
Do you wish you had bigger tits?
“No, I like that I get to go braless and be humiliated for them.”
This poor flattie is really pathetic. Her own friends think she is a slut and she shares nudes on her bdsmlr blog, but she was still scared to submit pictures at first because it would be “embarrassing” and because she would lose control and wouldn’t be able to take them down if she changes her mind.
Too bad if she changes her mind now, because now she’ll forever be exposed as a flattie with tiny tits and huge areola. Even her own mother felt bad for her and made her wear push up bras so at least the neighbors wouldn’t look down upon her for raising a flat-chested “girl”.
Unfortunately, push up bras don’t work. On the pictures, she tried to stuff her bra with dirty panties, but her desperate attempt to look bigger only makes her appear more pathetic. This flattie really has all the reason in the world to be ashamed of its flat chest. If a real woman were to press her tits together with a ripe banana in between, she’d have to be careful not to squash it. This flattie can hardly get the banana to stay up at all and seems to have to hold it up with its index fingers to prevent the banana from falling down.
You are now exposed to the world as an inferior flattie with tiny humps where real women have tits. Let’s see what your next punishment is going to be after the poll is finished.
Do you want her to put clamps on her “tits”, fuck a cucumber or lick a toilet? Take part in this vote to decide which flattie challenge she has to complete as a punishment for being flat. Also, check out the flattie’s bloghere.