Now, it’s time to see everything she has to offer.
Which is: nothing. No real tits, no sexiness, no womanly shape to her body.
It’s a complete embarrassment. Watching her put a dildo between her “tits” looks so ridiculous that one cannot imagine that she ever had a real cock there, or that she even ever touched a real cock.
Even her pussy is as ugly as her tiny tits
This “pussy” hasn’t seen any cock for ages
Pictures of her should be used to stop kids from having sex too early. After seeing a disgusting pussy like this, any young boy will likely give up sex for years before even thinking about it again.
Get exposed like her if your tits are as small, saggy and useless as hers
Her pussy’s shape is weird, it looks as unhealthy as the rest of her body, and even the color is more vomit-inducing than anything else.
This picture reveals all her ugliness at once
No tits, fat, an ugly, misshapen body – this flatty doesn’t have anything going for itself
If you really want something to laugh at, look at this picture of her in the Gorean slave position.
This position really reveals how fat she is – and still, she doesn’t have any tits at all.
Her body is nothing more than one big piece of flesh – but all in her stomach, her arms and her legs, and nothing in her tits.
For her, waking up and looking in the mirror must be a complete nightmare, day in and day out.
Let her know how ugly she is in the comments
Let her know a final time how ugly she is, now that you have seen everything. Let’s make sure she regrets ever having begged to get exposed online – and that her self-confidence is as ruined as her body.
However, due to her hideous looks, nobody wants to fuck her or shows any sexual interest in her. So all she can do is masturbate, keep coming back to her favorite website and beg for more and more humiliation.
She quickly regretted over-promising
Many months ago, after she had already been exposed on here, she begged to be further exposed and humiliated, saying that she would be willing to do almost anything.
I am willing to take any picture or video poses you’d like me to, except inserting anything inside my pussy.
– Flatty 40
I took her by her word and ordered her to send me a video of her drinking toilet water. Yet like most flatties who are particularly stupid when they are horny, she realized that she shouldn’t have made that promise and begged me to give her a different task.
Can you please tell me poses in pictures. Or any other video. I am not into piss play or toilet play.
– Flatty 40
I told her that this is not how it works and that with her ugly looks, the can’t afford to be picky and either has to complete the task or fuck off.
For many months, she debated with herself
Then, she disappeared, and probably promised herself many times that she wouldn’t complete such a humiliating, embarrassing task.
But her craving for humiliation eventually won.
After many months, she recently sent me a video of her taking a tiny, tiny sip of toilet water.
And she was really desperate to get exposed: not only did she suddenly send multiple messages, she also commented on this website because she so desperately wanted the whole world to watch a pathetic, ugly virgin drink toilet water.
She is so embarrassed that her nipples get hard whenever she gets naked
This flatty is a wonderful illustration of the correlation between bra size and brain size. And with these tiny tits, it’s no wonder she’s making so many stupid mistakes, that real women would never make.
She really thinks that her tits aren’t that bad
On the one hand, she admits that she has been reading and fantasizing about small tits humiliation “for a while”. Yet at the same time, she claims that she doesn’t really think her tits are as ugly and inadequate as they so obviously are.
I don’t think my breasts are that bad, but I want to hear other’s honest opinions on them.
– Flatty 55
It’s time to teach her the truth. She asked for honest opinions, so let her know how worthless and ridiculous she is in the comments. Clearly, her areola are ugly and too big for her tit size, her tits differ in size and one is even a little bit saggy, despite being small.
She’s also too stupid to correctly write the name of this website, as you can see on her flat chest – even though she came here to masturbate countless of times. Then again, maybe it wasn’t really a mistake, but a simple admission that her two tits combined are as big as a single breast of a real woman.
“My friend with DD cups started to make jokes about my flat chest”
What is your bra size?
“I wear A cup bras but I don’t fully fill them, most of the time I wear push up bras with extra padding so that they look bigger.“
When was the first time you realized that your tits are smaller than they should be?
“The first time I realized my tits are smaller than they should be was when my friend with DD cups started to make jokes about my flat chest, even in front of my boyfriend. When we were on the topic of bras once, I lied and told her my cup size was a B because I was too ashamed of my actual size. She was very sympathetic and comforted me, saying, “They look cute though!” It was so embarrassing that she thought that a B was too small, as I can’t even fill my A cup bras.”
What is the most embarrassing/humiliating experience you ever had with your tiny “tits”?
“The most humiliating experience I’ve had was when my boyfriend wanted to try and tit fuck, but my tits were too small. We’ve also touched on the topic of him looking at other women with big tits, and I’m ashamed to say that it turns me on a lot. I felt so dumb.”
She’s not even filling the tiniest bra
You’re seeing this correctly: there is a gap of multiple centimeters between her a cup bra and her flat chest
Most women wouldn’t even be able to put on an a cup bra; it would simple be too small to contain their large, beautiful tits. A woman has to be truly unfortunate to have tits so small that she has the opposite problem when confronted with an a cup bra: it’s so big that she can’t wear it without looking like a child trying on her mothers’ bra for the first time. You should be truly ashamed of your inadequacy!
Right after she sent in her embarrassing pictures, she had a huge orgasm.
Like most flatties, she was terribly scared after sending in her pictures, but also had a huge orgasm right afterwards. Let’s see if she’ll have the courage to even read the post and the replies. And if she’ll keep her promise to send additional pictures.
I admit that was touching myself whilst typing out the email, and I came as soon as I pressed send. It’s embarrassing to say how many times I’ve checked to see if you’ve replied to me. I’ve been checking the site regularly but I don’t know if I will be able to read it when you do post something.
The good news for you (and bad news for her) is that the time for me to post them has come.
She had to kneel down in front of her toilet and lick it clean
Since she isn’t really useful for sexual purposes, the best one can do to her is force her to clean. But allowing her to use equipment – or even her hands – would grant her dignity she doesn’t possess and doesn’t deserve.
All she’s allowed to use is her tongue. And the best place to start cleaning is always the dirtiest – in this case, the toilet. How humiliating it must be for her to have such pictures posted on the internet for everyone to see. Let’s just hope that her parents, friends and coworkers never get to see those pictures.
The most ridiculous tit fuck you ever saw
Please do me a favor: don’t look at these pictures while you’re eating something. The risk is too great that you just burst out laughing and start choking.
The sight of a cock between two nipples without the corresponding tits is just too hilarious.
Real women can cover an entire cock between their voluminous tits. She couldn’t even cover the tip of one of his little fingers between her tits if her life depended on it.
Let’s hope that she cried herself to sleep after this humiliating experience. It’s one of depressing sights imaginable. You, “girl”, receive 0 of 10 points for this absolute fail.
She looks like a complete joke in underwear – her belly is bigger than her “tits”
As I wrote here, this flat-chested slut first begged to be publicly humiliated and then felt so ashamed and scared after showing me her tiny “tits” that she hid underneath her blanket for days and thought just ignoring her tasks and not replying would suddenly turn her into an adequate woman.
Needless to say: it didn’t. Also needless to say: after the first post about her, she came crawling back and admitted that everything I had written is true.
I saw your post of me in the dress. I am so beyond mortified and ashamed. You were right, I was very embarrassed after I first reached out to you and was trying to pretend it hadn’t happened. You’re gonna post the other ones whether I want you to or not, aren’t you? I can’t believe the whole world will be able to see how much I lack as a woman. I want to hide from everybody and hide my pathetic chest but I can’t now and it’s humiliating.
Flatty 49
It’s always enjoyable to see how predicable “women” with tiny tits are: first, they pretend that their “tits” are okay and not really too small. Then, they realize that their tits are too small, but pretend that it doesn’t matter or that nobody notices. After a number of embarrassing experiences, most of them can no longer hide the truth – and they begin to enjoy the humiliation.
They seek out more humiliating experiences on purpose. But often, they begin to fall back into their old behavior patterns because the shame is just too much.
It is only after they have surpassed this initial valley of shame that they can fully and permanently accept their place as flatties and their inferior rank in the social pecking order that comes with it.
While it may at times be a bit annoying to deal with “flaky flatties” that are going through the initial valley of shame, it is also the most enjoyable time for sadists to play with them: never again, before or after, do they feel so terribly embarrassed about their ugly tits.
Let’s see how flatty 49 will feel once she has been completely and permanently exposed. Let her know how ugly and small her “tits” look like. Right now, her self-esteem is at an all time low, so now is the best point in time to get your message through to her.
And come back within the next few days to to see her completely naked.
No underwear in the world can make her ugly tits look any more attractiveSince she was too stupid to complete the task at first, she had to rewrite some of the lines
In a desperate attempt to feel better about her ugly, uneven tits, she tried to make them look better with this playful bra – by hiding their unevenness and her oversized areola. Too bad for her that it doesn’t work. Everybody who has seen her ugly tits – which, since she has been publicly and irrevocably exposed online as a “woman” with ugly tits might be just about anybody with access to the internet – will immediately see through her desperate attempt and recognize her ugly tits through any underwear or even complete outfit that she might put on.
An attractive woman with firm, large, evenly sized tits looks attractive in lingerie. You just look more ugly and ridiculous than you do naked – which is quite an impressive achievement, since you’re already nothing but a laughingstock in the first post.
Since she was not only too stupid to recognized the flaws of her tits, but also to complete her writing task, as was pointed out in the comments, she had to redo a part of it. Hopefully this has helped destroy the last bits of her self-confidence that her subconsciousness was trying to cling to.
Ugly, uneven tits, that look ridiculous with the rouge on their areola
Originally, this ugly pig felt quite good about her tits, but still begged to be humiliated. Upon closer inspection, it turned out that she actually has some tits and is not a flat board like most flatties on here, but that her tits are still ugly, disgusting and repulsive.
Two things stand out in particular. The first is the different size and shape of her tits. The left one (from her perspective) is clearly much bigger than the right one, and they both just have a weird, ugly shape.
Her areola are also disproportionately large, a fact that is visually highlighted by the rouge on the picture.
“I didn’t think it was noticeable”
She was stupid enough to think that men wouldn’t notice how ugly her tits are and still be attracted by their size. But, of course, men – and real women with beautiful tits – will always immediately notice the tiniest imperfections in any set of tits and quickly form a cruel judgment about them and the worth of their owner.
To help the lesson sink in, she was forced to write “I am terribly ashamed of my ugly different sized tits & gigantic areola”100 times. Apparently, this task was already a heavy burden for this ugly pig. She took quite a while and made a few mistakes; as a result, she was forced to write the page with the mistakes again.
“It made me feel less proud of my udders.”
It seems that her confidence has already taken a few hits after her first assignment. “It has made me think that they look weird, not pretty”. And indeed they are weird. Not just weird, but ugly, and in a clearly noticeable way. You should be ashamed of yourself and feel bad about your tits every time you look into a mirror, whenever other people are checking you out, and especially when you get undressed in front of someone to have sex with them.
Share your thoughts about her ugly tits in the comments and help reinforce the lesson that has only just begun to sink in for her. Also, if you should find any additional mistakes in her writing task, let me know so that she can complete the task again.
I’m looking for flatties who feel bad about their tiny or non-existent tits and who are willing to commit 10-20 minutes a day for about a month to complete a program with tasks (such as negative affirmations) designed to make them feel ashamed of their “tits”, and who are willing to report about the effect of the training on them.
If this describes you, send me a message (see here for details how). (If we haven’t chatted before, send me a picture with written on your flat chest as proof that you are serious and flat enough; I won’t post it if you don’t want me to.)
To further enhance her feeling of humiliation, the ugly, tiny titted slut has recreated her most embarrassing small tits experience: a failed attempt from a threesome to get titty fucked. The only difference is this: back then, only her two sex partners laughed at her; now, the whole world can see how ugly and inadequate her “tits” are – and the whole world is laughing at her.
A real woman would be able to completely enclose the cucumber between her tits and hold it up just by pressing her tits together. This tiny titted slut, however, can press and squeeze as hard as she wants. Her tits are simply too small to hold up, let alone enclose the cucumber.
Hopefully the embarrassing threesome experience will prevent her from disappointing any guys with her “tits” ever again.
What was the most humiliating experience you had with your tiny tits?
“My most humiliating experience was in a threesome with two guys. One awkwardly tried to titty fuck me and his friend who was fucking me just started making fun of his attempt and they laughed it off together. I wish I had bigger tits, really fucking bad.”
Finally she is naked; not much longer and you’ll get to see how she performs humiliating, degrading tasks. One could almost pity her, if she weren’t so ugly. It’s painful for other people to have to look at her ugly, unattractive chest every day. Hopefully she doesn’t show it and always covers her body with enough clothes so others don’t have to see what she has to see every time she looks in a mirror or looks down on her body.
Since she never received compliments or any other kind of sexual attention from men, she had to learn to get aroused from the insulting comments others made to her either directly or behind her back. Slowly but surely, she has been conditioned to get off on being humiliated and degraded. While real women get aroused from being treated with love, her nipples only get hard if she knows others are laughing at her.