Tag Archives: small tits humiliation

71 – This 18 year-old virgin gets humiliated by her own family for her lack of tits

When you see this flatty naked, you will realize that it doesn’t matter whether she is dressed or not – you will never be able to recognize anything resembling tits on her upper body

Just like in the last post with the 18 year-old lesbian, we have another tragic case of a young girl that has recently become an adult on paper – but without having developed the body of an adult.

She simply hasn’t grown any tits.

The only good thing that can be said about her is that – other than some other flatties on here – she doesn’t seem to be in denial about her inadequacy.

But first, let’s find out a bit more about her humiliating and embarrassing experiences.

“My uncle commented on my figure that it is like a 12 year-old’s”

Even from this position, it’s obvious that there are absolutely no tits on her body

How old are you and what is your bra size?

“I’m 18 years old and I wear a cup bras.” 

When did you first realize that your “tits” are smaller than they should be?

“I realized that my tits are too small when my uncle commented on my figure and said it is like a 12 year-old’s.

Are your tits equally embarrassing as this flatty’s? Then it’s time to get exposed. Find out what you need to do here.

What was your most humiliating experience related to your small tits?

“The most humiliating experience with my tits is when a guy in my college spat on my chest and his friend asked him not to spit on walls. I felt really ashamed that day. It was sports day at college and I was in my sportswear. They were referring to my flat chest which is as flat as a wall.”

Her flat chest is such a turn-off that she has only been fucked in the ass

Her ass isn’t particularly impressive either – but if she leaves her bra on, one can fuck her in the ass while watching porn of real women

When even your own family makes fun of your flat chest, you know that everything is lost. But it gets worse. When even young, horny teenagers only want to fuck you in the ass because they consider your pussy unworthy, you know that the time has come for you to hide in a corner and cry.

I’ve been fucked once – only in the ass as he told me that I do not deserve to get fucked from the front.

– Flatty 71

What do you think about this flatty’s humiliating experiences?

Do you also consider this flatty to still be a virgin because she has only been fucked in the ass? As always, share your thoughts and insults in the comments. And come back soon to see what her non-existent chest looks like naked.

70 – Even this 18-year-old flatty’s first lesbian girlfriend found her tits ugly

Flat-chested 18 year old lesbian with extremely saggy tits with oversized areola
It’s a shame that this 18-year-old has tits that can rival the sagginess of most 80 year old grandmothers

Just like the curly-haired, boyish flatty that was the last to get exposed on here, flatty 70 is extremely flaky and clearly regretted asking for exposure after she sent this ugly, unflattering picture of her “tits”.

Unfortunately for her and all the other flatties like her, there is simply no way for them to hide their inadequate chests or try to suppress the feelings of inadequacy that come with them. Sooner or later, all flatties have to face the truth.

For flatty 70, the moment is now.

“My first girlfriend told me that my tits are weird”

How old are you and what is your bra size?

“I’m 18 years old and an a cup.” 

When did you first realize that your “tits” are smaller than they should be?

“I realized that they are tiny when I was about 14 years old.”

What was your most humiliating experience related to your small tits?

“My most humiliating experience was probably when my first girlfriend told me my tits are weird. I then i went on to find out I have a deformity.”

Are your tits as small, saggy or ugly as hers? Does humiliation make you wet? Then find out what you need to do to get exposed on smalltitshumiliation.com

Small, saggy and deformed – and yet, her tits will never be more “beautiful”

One doesn’t need to consult the official guide to judging and rating tits to realize that flatty 70 has won the ugly-tits-lottery.

Her first girlfriend was right to be disgusted by her “tits”. Despite being small, they are terribly ugly. Her nipples don’t seem to get hard, and half her “tits” consist of oversized areola.

Both tits point outward and down, as if being dragged down by heavy weights. And their shape resembles a wet bag of sand more than the perky tits of an 18-year-old teenager.

It’s really hard to imagine how her tits can get any uglier as she gets older. At her age, she should have the best, firmest tits of her life. And yet, they are already a complete turn-off and embarrassment.

Share your thoughts and insults in the comments

What do you dislike most about her “tits”? How do you think they will look like in 10 or 20 years? Share your thoughts and insults in the comments.

69 – This curly-haired flatty got cold feet after begging to get exposed

Flat-chested, topless woman with curly hair exposes her tiny, almost non-existent tits nipples that are hard from the humiliation

In other posts, I have already described how flaky many of the flatties on here are. They read about how other flatties get exposed, get wet and horny, read about what they need to do to get exposed and then write me to beg for precisely that.

It is either directly after they hit “send”, or after the first exposure post, that many of them hide in a corner and cry, overcome by the shame of having openly admitted how inadequate and inferior they are – thoughts they often have tried to suppress for many, many years.

Eventually, however, almost all of them come back, apologizing for their pathetic behavior and begging for even more exposure.

Let’ see how long it takes this flatty, that also stopped replying after a rather detailed message in which it described its short-comings and humiliating experiences.

“My tits are so small he’ll say I look like a boy”

How old are you and what is your bra size?

“I am 34. 

I don’t really wear a bra anymore very much of the time, I think when I did buy them, I bought 32b (which could have been optimistic denial of the truth because I’m not sure they ever fit that well and I’m probably an a cup). But I’ve just accepted now that there’s not much point in bras for me.”

When was the first time that you noticed your tits are smaller than they should be?

“I suppose the whole time growing up when they stayed extremely flat and other girls actually had breasts. I’ve always known, from the moment tit size and sexuality became relevant. And until recently, I always resented it. Now, I’ve probably accepted them and come to terms with their size. They’ll never be bigger (well I guess I could try having a kid!) – but for now, seem to think they are okay.”

What is the most humiliating experience you had in relation to your small tits?

“Probably how my owner sometimes humiliates me. Because my tits are so small, he’ll say I look like a boy, and that my clit is a tiny dick and that when I masturbate, I have to jack off my tiny dick. That makes me feel so humiliated.”

Her nipples stand out like acne on a teenager’s face

It’s time to talk about how embarrassing and inadequate her body looks like and once and for all destroy her mistaken notion that her tits are actually okay.

There are five criteria to rate the attractiveness of tits. But given the size of her tits, one does not really need any criteria at all. It is simply obvious that her “tits” are so small that they do not even deserve the name.

Even calling them “nipples” would completely overstate what they are.

If her skin weren’t so pale and her red, swollen nipples would stand out like pimples on a teenager’s acne ridden face, her upper body would simply be overlooked.

Yesterday I used this website to cum. I generally love humiliation and the thought of myself being humiliated – and actually being humiliated.

– Flatty 69

But even apart from her flat-chest, there is absolutely nothing attractive or even remarkable about her body.

With her body’s complete lack of any shapes, it just looks like the trunk of a straight tree, where the dark bark has been removed to reveal the lighter inside.

The only “interesting” thing might indeed be her dick. Have you noticed the bulge in her underwear? I’m sure that there are men who look quite similar with their flaccid cocks pressing against the inside of their trunks. And it certainly doesn’t help that her bulge is bigger than her chest.

What do you think about this pathetic flatty?

As always: share your thoughts and insults in the comments. Both about her pathetic behavior, and about her ugly, unattractive body.

This flatty has been voted to have the ugliest, most embarrassing tits of all women exposed on here

This flatty has been voted to have the ugliest tits of all flatties exposed on here

In the last post, I created an overview of all the flatties that were exposed last year and of their biggest flaws.

It was a competition that no woman with dignity and who cares even the tiniest bit about how others perceive her would want to win.

And yet, one of them won – with quite a bit of a lead compared to the second place winner (or shall we say loser?).

Hundreds of people have voted on the ugliest pair of tits

The outcome of one of the most humiliating votes these flatties ever had to face

There are a number of interesting conclusions that can be drawn based on the outcome of the vote and the comments that were shared under the last post and via emails.

All of the flatties exposed on smalltitshumiliation.com deserve humiliation

While there is a clear winner of the vote and a strong midfield, every single one of these flatties received a single digit percentage of the votes. Every flatty was thus considered to be the ugliest flatty by at least a handful of voters.

In other words: whenever one of these flatties gets naked in front of a one night stand, or walks around in revealing clothes such as a bikini, the risk is high that she will be judged harshly.

Remember this thought, flatties, and remain insecure and embarrassed about your inadequate bodies.

This is a really, really tough choice. Not one of them has decent tits. Picked 3, but easily could’ve picked all of them.

– Commentator Notitsnosex

If your tits are small and your skin doesn’t look healthy, you’re really fucked

All of the women exposed on here have small, inadequate tits. If you want to stand out as being particularly ugly even among such heavy competition, you need to have an additional shortcoming besides size.

The vote clearly shows that one of the worst shortcomings you can have is unhealthy skin.

The top two “winners” make this pretty clear. There is flatty 59, with a quarter of the votes, whose skin looks worse than most boys’ skin look during the peak of puberty. And she is already 30.

And there is flatty 60, who managed to get an eight of the votes, and whose tits just look completely disfigured with their giant scars.

Third placed flatty 68 has decent skin, but her complete flatness, combined with her manly physique, make her look 100% like a boy.

The last person who (almost) got 10% of the votes is flatty 63. She also doesn’t have skin problems, but another major issue in addition to tit size: a terrible genetic malfunction – snoopy tits.

While all flatties listed up here are inadequate in size and shape, most of them at least have a normal or even decent skin condition.

59 and 60 even fail this point completely.

– Commentator 123456789

If you are flat despite being fat, all hope is truly lost for you

I frequently hear flatties say that they are flat, but that they had decent tits before and then just lost a bit of weight and with that their cup size.

This offers these flatties an important psychological tool: while they cannot have everything – a fit body shape combined with attractive tits – they can at least tell themselves that they have the power to choose one or the other.

But what do you do if, despite already being overweight, your tits are still nowhere to be found? Exactly: you hide in a corner and cry out of shame and despair.

And maybe that is exactly the reason why flatty 59 won this unfortunate trophy. Not only are her tits non-existent and her skin could hardly be more disgusting.

She is also fat and has no hope of ever improving her situation.

59’s flabby body and truly wretched excuse for a pussy set her apart and make her filthy tits even more disgraceful.

– Commentator ReviewerA

This is possibly the ugliest, not yet published picture of a flatty’s pussy

Yes, some “women” are really so degraded that they send me such utterly disgusting pictures of their unused genitals

So to “celebrate” 59’s victory, I have added two as of yet unused pictures to this post.

One of her acne-tits and one of her hairy, hairy pussy.

Share your thoughts about the vote’s outcome in the comments

Do you think that you have better tits than these flatties? Find out and get exposed

What do you think about the outcome of this vote? Is this what you expected or are you surprised by some flatty’s placement?

Do the additional pictures of flatty 59 change your opinion of her? If yes, how?

Which of these flatties from 2022 has the ugliest tits?

It’s humiliating enough to get exposed as a flat-chested woman with extremely embarrassing “tits” on the wall of shame of smalltitshumiliation.com for the whole world to see.

It’s also humiliating to have strangers insult you online, laugh about how lacking your boobs are and write analyses about your ugliness that will be online forever and could potentially be read by your parents, husband or kids.

But it’s even more humiliating to be compared to other ugly, flat-chested women online, have your tits rated and judged and be found to be extremely ugly even compared to hideous women with looks that make any hard cock shrink faster than an orgasm.

Reason enough to do precisely that and give these flatties the humiliation, degradation and laughter that they deserve.

All of these women have ugly tits, no self esteem and embarrassing sex stories

Let’s take a quick look in chronological order at all the flatties that were exposed on here in 2022.

Time for a vote – who has the ugliest tits?

Let’s take a vote and crown the flatty with the ugliest, most digusting tits.

Since these are some of the ugliest tits in the world, it’s hard to only choose one – so feel free to select up to three flatties.

But choose wisely: these poor “women” already lack any dignity and self esteem. Being voted as having the ugliest tits even among such a group will completely crush the “winner”.

Then again: That’s exactly what they deserve.

Which flatty has the smallest, most useless and overall ugliest tits? If you cannot decide, please choose up to a maximum of three.

Share your reasoning in the comments

As always: feel free to share your reasoning why the flatty or flatties you chose have the ugliest tits even compared to other ugly flatties in the comments.

If your tits are as ugly as the tits of those flatties, it’s time for you to gather your courage and get exposed as well. Find out how.

68 – This is how ridiculous small tits look like with nipple piercings (part 3)

This ridiculous sight is what you get when you attach two pieces of metal to a flat chest

In the last posts, you could already see how pathetic this flat-chested girl looks like in a padded bra, and how unflattering a supposedly “sexy” outfit makes her look like a man.

Now, it’s time to expose everything.

The many flaws with her tiny “tits”

Let’s rate her tits based on the official tit-rating criteria.

  1. Size: This one is so obvious, it doesn’t even need to be mentioned: her tits are clearly way too small and don’t even deserve the name. They also have different sizes: one is tiny and the other one is “just” very small.
  2. Firmness and shape: while the left tit on the picture looks almost okay, the right one has a very weird shape. Both of her mosquito bites are pointing outwards in a weird way.
  3. Areola: Her areola are very weird, too. On the left side, where everything so much smaller, even her areola is almost non-existent.
  4. Nipples: Her constantly hard nipples are just ridiculous to look at. With everything that is already wrong with her tits and body, she was stupid (and desperate) enough to get both nipples pierced to draw even more attention to her short-comings. It would be funny if it weren’t so sad.
  5. Symmetry: Even though she completely sucks in all dimensions, this is probably the worst one. Nothing about her “tits” is symmetric at all. Size, shape, areola, nipples – everything is completely different about her tits. She looks like some kind of Frankenstein where somebody has joined the “tits” of two separate women in one body.

What do you think – in which dimension does she perform the worst? Which other flaws do you see with her “tits”? Share your judgments in the comments.

But before doing that, let’s laugh once more about her embarrassing anal sex story

The only way she gets fucked these days – in the ass, like a boy

In the first post, I shared the story how one guy explicitly told her that he will fuck her in the ass, due to her lack of tits: “You’re flat like a boy, I might as well fuck you in the ass like one.”

This is the picture she sent me when I ordered her to recreate the scene. May it inspire your insults and harsh tit-ratings.

Are you flat-chested and want to get exposed as well? Find out what you need to do here.

68 – Can you guess which of these pictures shows this flatty in a padded bra? (part 2)

Option 1: Do you think this picture shows this flatty in a padded bra?

In the last post, we could already see how ridiculous flatty 68 looks like in a supposedly “sexy” outfit.

At least, the insulting post and comments have made her realize how unattractive she is.

I didn’t realize how flat I look from the front – I’m throwing out that dress.

– Flatty 68

Now, the time has come to continue her exposure. The next step: humiliating pictures of her in ridiculous underwear.

She is so flat that even a padded bra doesn’t make any difference at all

Option 2: Or does this picture include a padded bra?

For a woman with medium-sized tits, a padded bra – or even a push-up bra – can make the difference between looking okay-ish and looking reasonably hot.

Unfortunately, these bras have two disadvantages: obviously, the effect disappears once the woman gets naked. And, they only work if there are at least some tits to begin with.

Yet for a flatty with tiny mosquito bites as 68, the effect is essentially invisible. After seeing both pictures, I first thought that she had failed in her task and mistakenly sent two pictures without padded bras.

She looks “flat like a boy” no matter what she’s wearing

On both pictures, she looks like a boy. She doesn’t have any cleavage whatsoever.

But I’ll give you a hint.

Do you want to get exposed and humiliated as her? Then it’s time for you to gather your courage and face the truth.

If you look closely enough, you will be able to that her belly button is not the only place where she is pieced (as happens to be the case with many flatties, such as, for example, this one or this one).

If it weren’t for the fact that one of the “bras” is more see-through than the other, it would be completely impossible to distinguish them from each other.

Does seeing flatty 68 in underwear change your opinion of her?

As always, share your thoughts and insults in the comments. And check back soon to see her without the ridiculously looking bras.

68 – “I have been self-conscious about my breasts since puberty”

Flat-chested woman in a "sexy" outfit - unfortunately she is so flat that it is completely impossible to tell her gender based on a dressed picture
Based on this picture, you’d have a 50-50 chance of correctly guessing the gender of the person displayed on it

So far, flatty 68 seems to be well-behaved. Here is how she introduced herself in her first message:

I’m 29 years old and have been self-conscious about my breasts since puberty. I was teased, bullied, and harassed throughout school and into my adult life. Although I’ve been in the BDSM world for awhile, I’ve kept my small breast vulnerability in a taboo area of play as part of my greatest kink: humiliation. 

– Flatty 68

With her non-existent tits, she has more than enough reasons to be ashamed of her body

Flat-chested woman in a supposedly "sexy" outfit trying to make  her tits appear bigger than they are
From the side, her “tits” are just as unimpressive and non-existent as from the front

As her answers to the basic questions that all flatties need to answer make clear, she has more than enough reasons to be ashamed of her body.

What is your bra size?

“My bra size is 36B. I’ve always bought padded bras out of envy of my larger breasted friends. I’ve avoided going to the beach with them because I felt so inadequate.”

What is the most embarrassing/humiliating experience you ever had with your tiny “tits”?

“As far as stories go, there are plenty of embarrassing public scenarios that I’ve encountered, which have left me red in the face. Privately, I’ve always feared what reaction a guy will have when my bra comes off – my lie.

I’m basically catfishing, and the look of disappointment that flashes over their face gets imprinted in my mind every single fucking time. My worst experience was a kink one, where I had mentioned a soft-limit of small breast humiliation and he delivered the most vicious line I’ve ever received – “You’re flat like a boy, I might as well fuck you in the ass like one”. And he did, causing the verbal humiliation to blend with sodomizing me into an orgasmic bliss that I’ve yet to hit again.”

Do you want to learn more about small tits humiliation? Check out the FAQ.

What do you think about her completely unimpressive figure?

When I ordered her to send pictures in a “sexy outfit”, she sent the ridiculous pictures you can see in this post.

She is so flat that it is not even possible to tell her gender without seeing her face.

She looks like a complete joke and it is no wonder that many men only ever wanted to fuck her in the ass.

What do you think about these ridiculous pictures? Share your thoughts and insults in the comments.

And don’t forget to check back soon for pictures of her in underwear and, of course, naked.

67 – In high school, she was so desperate that she massaged her tits to make them grow (part 2)

Flat-chested woman ashamed of her non-existent breasts
It’s time to expose this flatty’s ugly and tiny tits to the whole world

In the last post, you could already read about this flatty’s flakiness, and her desperate attempts of dealing with the shame she feels about her small tits by trying to hide.

In the comments, she even made a desperate, half-hearted attempt and begged not to be exposed, only to add how excited she feels about her inevitable exposure.

And now, that time has come.

Before analyzing her “tits”, let’s hear about her experience in her own words

How old are you and what is your bra size?

I am 24. My bra size is a 34b, but I rarely wear bras.

When was the first time that you noticed your tits are smaller than they should be?

“I noticed my breasts are smaller than they should be when they never grew after I got my period. I got my period early at the age of 11, and ever since my tits pretty much stayed the size they were then.

I was proud to get my period and “become a woman” early, but then all the girls in my class started developing and growing breasts 3x the size of mine. I used to do daily massages and look up foods I could eat to grow them, but obviously it never worked.”

What is the most humiliating experience you had in relation to your small tits?

My most humiliating experience was when I was being fitted for a prom gown in high school, and the woman asked me if I wanted padding, but I said no. She looked at my chest and said “no, you want the padding.”

Every day I am reminded of how small my breasts are. Something as simple as noticing how they don’t move when I go over a speed bump in the car embarrasses me. Any time I’m supposed to look sexy, like in a bikini or a club dress, my face gets hot with embarrassment because I know every other woman will look better than me.”

Do you want to know if your tits are as small and ugly as hers? There is only one way to find out.

This is what it looks like when a flatty desperately tries to make its tits grow

Flat-chested woman with pierced nipples desperately trying to massage her tits to make them grow
How can a flatty be stupid enough to think that such a massage will suddenly make her non-existent tits grow?

Can you imagine how desperate she must have felt in high school, when other girls grew tits and she did not? So desperate that she tried massages. I instructed this flatty to take a picture of herself massaging her tits the way she did back then.

The hilarious outcome can be seen above.

But even if the massage had helped make her tits grow, she would still be an ugly cow. Her “tits” small size is not the only thing that is wrong with them.

Especially the first picture shows how asymmetrical they are. And they don’t just lack size, but also any real shape.

Like so many flatties, desperation drove her to get both of her nipples pierced in a laughable attempt to attract attention. But all it does is draw attention to her inadequacy.

Her pussy is equally ugly as her tits

Naked woman with small, pierced tits, standing in embarrassment in her chaotic room
Can you really believe that she was so blind to think this would be a reasonably good-looking picture?

Even worse for her, her “tits” are just one of her many defects. When I ordered her to send me a picture of her completely naked, this is what she sent.

But then – and I am not kidding you – she claimed this:

I feel like the front one isn’t unflattering enough to be embarrassing, would you like me to do a side profile or something else?

– Flatty 67

There are so many things wrong with this picture and her body that she must be blind if she is not embarrassed by it:

  • Her small, asymmetrical, unassuming “tits”
  • Her completely unwomanly body
  • The complete mess in her room
The unused pussy of a flat-chested woman who gets off on being shamed and humiliated
This is what the unused pussy of a flatty looks like

This close-up of her pussy reveals even more short-comings, even though she is clearly incapable of taking well-lit pictures.

The only thing that can be said in her defense is that she apparently realized how embarrassing these pictures actually are. Despite at first begging to be allowed to take even more humiliating ones, she deleted her account before she sent any more, out of shame and embarrassment.

Share your judgments about her tits, pussy and body in the comments

One could write an entire dissertation about the short-comings of this flatty.

Share your thoughts, observations and insults in the comments. Let’s make sure she feels the appropriate mountain of shame she deserves, and that she regrets her insubordinate, flaky behavior.

67 – This “scared little girl” keeps deleting her account out of shame (part 1)

Unfortunately, her naked tits look as unappealing and boring as this picture might suggest

In the dictionary under “shame”, there is probably a picture of this flatty. She first reached out to be, begging to be exposed and humiliated.

She sent the mandatory picture with “smalltitshumiliation.com” written on her flat chest that all flatties have to submit to get exposed.

Yet when I instructed her to send additional pictures, she had deleted her account.

After a few weeks, she came back, begging to get exposed again

But not much later, she regretted her decision and begged once more to get exposed:

Hi how are you? I sent you pictures of my flat tits to get myself exposed and humiliated a couple weeks ago, but then I was so embarrassed and ashamed that I deleted my account. However I can’t stop myself from checking your website pretty much every day, secretly hoping that you exposed me anyways. So I’m back. I need to face my fear and experience the deep embarrassment that I know I really need and deserve.

– Flatty 67

She was to pathetic and desperate for exposure that, when I didn’t immediately reply, she kept writing me, asking if I had gotten her message.

At first, I made her apologize for her misbehavior

An apology letter of a flat-chested woman for having deleted her account after having begged to get exposed and humiliated online for her inadequacy
This is the pathetic apology letter that flatty 67 has written after her first shame-attack

As an appropriate apology, I ordered her to write a few sentences in her nicest handwriting. This is the pathetic outcome of this exercise. At least – one might think – that she has finally learned her lesson and got her shame under control.

Yet, after she submitted some additional pictures of her tiny tits and unused pussy, she deleted her account once more.

Let her know what you think of her behavior and her ugly body in the comments

Let her know what you think of flaky flatties in the comments.

And come back soon. In the next post, I’ll tell about her ridiculous, embarrassing attempts in high school to make her tiny tits grow – and you’ll see some picture of her trying it again.